GOP supporters are now also screaming for terrorist attack against Obama. John McCain and Sarah Palin should be very proud of the modern Republican party they've helped to create. The GOP has for years been a party far too cozy with hate and intolerance - with racists, anti-Semites, gay-bashers, and religious extremists - that's why many centrists left the Republican party years ago. And now John McCain and Sarah Palin, in a last-ditch effort to win at any cost, have whipped up calls for violence against their opponent that we've never seen in an election season that I can recall. Repeated calls at Palin/McCain rallies, and at election events around the country, for Obama to be assassinated. That'll go over well with women and independents. And the Republicans wonder why more and more people are fleeing their party.
John McCain and Sarah Palin have entered very dangerous territory here.