Wow. I wish I would've known about this thread when I first turned heel on the gaysurgeons. Would've been a great help.


Sex: Male and a lot

Birth date: 06/25/1981 (that makes me twenty-seven)

Height: 6'0"

Hometown: Cowtown

Current Location: Columbia, SC Go Gamecocks!

Relationship status: Dating the occasionally present here, Knitwit.

Education: Univ of South Carolina, BA in History and Religious Studies. All but thesis, so far, on my MA in Religious Studies.

Employment: Currently, while I finish my thesis, I'm head cook at a delivery restaurant called Wing Zone. One day, I hope to be either a professor of religion, comic book writer, or ::shudder:: a lawyer.

Hobbies: Reading, writing, practicing urban guerilla warfare (short-hand for scaling buildings and towers and generally wandering where I am not welcome (sewage tunnels, construction sites, etc.). When I am outside of the city, I like nothing more than to spend all my time in the great wide open. I love to camp, hike, hunt, and fish.

Favorite Liquor: Whiskey, preferably Jameson.

Favorite Beer: Guinness never fails. When I'm looking to drink on the cheap, Pabst Blue Ribbon or King Cobra (brings back a lot of college memories).

Favorite Books: Too many to mention. Generally speaking, I love reading the works of the great philosophers/thinkers. Fiction authors: Dostoevsky, Hugo, Orwell, Rand, Steinbeck, the Greek tragedians, Shakespeare, and Poe (to name a few).

Favorite Movies: Generally anything as long as it isn't a chick flick.

Favorite TV Shows: Daily Show, Colbert Report, South Park, Weeds, Rome, Deadwood, Sopranos, Oz, BTAS, GI Joe, Transformers, The Many Loves of Dobie Gillis, The Honeymooners, The Simpsons, Night Court, Cheers, The Wonder Years, The Monkees, Rowan and Martin's Laugh In, SNL, Kids in the Hall.

Guilty Pleasure TV: Those cheesy eighties family sitcoms and seventies/eighties detective shows.

Favorite Music: I'm not even going to try. Way too much to mention.

Current Pull List: Batman, 'Tec, JLA, JSA, GL, GLC, Action, Superman, Nightwing, Robin, Trinity, Final Crisis and all of its related tie-ins, and Booster Gold.


Politics: I have been identified by myself or others as Republican, lower case libertarian, paleo-con, "RINO," Southern Democrat, and a liberal (?).

Odd facts: I love reading reference books. I eat assorted colors candies (i.e. M & Ms, SweeTarts) one color at a time. My dad was an Independent Southern Baptist preacher so I am a preacher's kid. And, I took the fall for a DUI for my, then, twenty year old whore of an ex-girlfriend.

Anything else?

Last edited by iggy; 2011-10-04 9:13 PM.