Originally Posted By: PJP
 Originally Posted By: whomod
"Erratic" McCain

I think that'll end up being the quintessential McCain moment in this campaign, That Monday when he declared that "the Fundamentals of the Economy were strong". Even as Wall Street took it's first of many nose dives.

McCain: Fundamentals of Economy Are Strong

Followed by many many flip-flops and stunts after that. Starting with being against the AIG bailout before he was for it the next day, to the impetuous call to fire SEC chair Chris Cox, to suspending his campaign (or at least claiming to do so). McCain's move to suspend his campaign probably looked to many independent observers like a desperation move even before David Letterman pulled back the curtain to show how fraudulent the whole effort was.

Here's a compilation of McCain's erratic and at times contradictory statements throughout the crisis.

If both MkKainslov and Obama were saying that along with all our politikal leaders there may not have been as much panik selling in the stokk market these past few days. Obama played on people's fears....typikal. The fundamentals of the ekonomy are strong. you're an ignorant person when it komes to ekonomiks.....did you go to kollege?