Originally Posted By: PJP
 Originally Posted By: whomod
 Originally Posted By: the G-man
She's awfully pretty to be called 'repugnant' by any straight man. Something you'd care to tell us?

Here comes G-Man to obfuscae for the LIAR.

predictable and indicative of the kinds of ethics G_man enjoys from his Republicans.
you are such an idiot sometimes. why do you still live here if you hate this country so much.

What the fuck does Sarah Palin lying to ALL OUR FACES about the troopergate Report have to do with loving this country?????!!!


Now let me try to reason your tortured logic here. I think that you feel that Palin and McCain can lie their asses off just so long as it helps them win the election. Because to you, they represent "America", at least your America, your nativist WASP America that that swarthy foreign sounding guy now threatens. Right?

So because I comment on the fact that Sarah Palin just called night, day and the grass, the sky, I hate America?

RETARD. And that's not being said lightly. I don't take the fact that you think Republican=America, lightly. That is why your party is now comprised soley by the extremist whack jobs.

Speaking of whack jobs....

Yesterday at a rally hosted by Palin, she was busy making a speech but th epeople in the back rows couldn't hear her so her supporters start shouting, "We can't hear you." She assumed they were protesters, questioned their courage and their respect for veterans. Then to add insult to injury, other supporters in the crowd perhaps assuming the onslaught from those who were not like us have finally beset the governor, started trying to drown out the shouts with cheers of "Sarah, Sarah.". Dumb and dumberer.

It's really hard to tell who is yelling for the Republican campaign these days, and who's yelling against them, isn't it? ;\)

She is a disaster.