honestly, as much as people like to say the republicans and the democrat party are two sides of the same coin, there really is a clash of worldviews going on, and to some extent it's represented in the race going on right now. but while the current race might determine how taxpayers' money gets spent, the conflict between two diametrically opposing worldviews is rarely resolved in an election, and if anything the outcome of the presidential race will merely fuel the fires. historically, this sort of tug-of-war has come to blows more times than not, and it wouldn't surprise me if that happens here before this is all over with. ultimately, it's up to everyone to differentiate what for them constitutes a negotiable political stance and what constitutes a personal conviction worth fighting for. few conflicts are without casualties or for that matter without collateral damage, and if things keep going the way they are we'll all be faced with some hard choices eventually.


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