So, your entire argument relies on nothing but hypotheticals and assumptions that either the reporter or Lennon's widow lied.
Lennon wanting to fuck his mother isn't a hypothetical situation to you? You know this for a fact? What, did you see him at a meeting or something?
Assuming Yoko Ono is capable of lying is unrealistic? Assuming a journalist is capable of fabricating something nasty about a celebrity to sell books is unrealistic? You're the one who's supporting his entire stance on nothing but unlikely scenarios.
Serious question: what kind of shrine to you have to Lennon in your hut? Does it involve candles or just a lot of photos taped to a mirror? Do you sacrifice chickens to his ghost or just clutch a rosary made of old guitar picks when you pray?
Well, since it's a serious question I guess I should answer honestly. I don't really have a Lennon shrine, sorry. I don't even own any of his albums, much less photos. I've never killed an animal in my life or owned any rosaries: I may live in a third world country, but I'm not THAT primitive! Come on. Also, I don't live in a hut; my house is probably bigger than yours (and I don't say that with pride). Odds are you're completely ignorant about anything that exists outside the US (and I'm sure you know that isn't a joke), so I guess it's necessary to clarify all this.
I ask because, between your wild guesses on what "really" happened
In what reality is a man not wanting to fuck his mother a "wild guess"? Again: are you sure you don't have any issues of your own, G? Did you by any chance get erections when your mom breastfed you at age 12? (That last part is a fabrication, by the way. Don't you go and take it seriously: you may actually believe it and kill yourself!)
and your belief that Lennon's more respected than the Pope, that's one hell of a religious devotion you got going there.
What's the big deal with the Pope? Do people still respect the guy? The new guy?I don't keep up with that sort of thing, but I thought his popularity took a huge dive after all those priests started G-maning children.