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BTW is Walter Annenberg a "terrorist"? Just asking since it was (Reagan Ambassador)Annenberg that chose William Ayers as well as Barack Obama to sit on that education board.

No, it no more makes him a terrorist than Obama's friendship with Ayers makes him. However, it shows that both Annenberg and Obama don't have good judgement when it comes to friends.

If Annenberg ever runs for president I'll be happy to criticize him for palling around with Ayers too.

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Annenberg is dead. When Ayers got the money from the foundation it was after he was dead.

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Thought I might post this article here since the BHO thread has degenerated into madness. Those of you who learned to read may actually take the time to do so...and then dismiss it as liberal propoganda.

Do with it as you will...I just thought it was interesting and might provoke some thoughtful discourse in these days leading to the election...rather than the childish, vitrolic, partisan, "yo-mamma" bullshit that passes for intelligent discussion around here.

As a slightly unrelated aside...I was having a conversation with a friend today who identifies himself as an Independent but typically votes Republican. He's voting for Obama and taking some shit from some of his more staunchly right leaning assosiates. My friend reports his buddies are no longer upset about Obama's possible and likely victory...that it doesn't matter if Obama wins...he'll be killed within his first year and we only have to deal with Biden. Biden is more acceptable since he's "a God-Fearing Christian White man". They say that the McCain campaign is so obviously stirring up emotions among the base at such a late date to serve as a dog whistle to the right wing extremists that will take it as their patriotic duty to "kill this communist, socialist, faggy-ass, Muslim nigger".

quote marks denote my friend's exact quote of the words his buddies used.

Whether you agree or disagree, do any of you think that it might be possible?


What Right Wingers Mean When They Call Obama a Socialist

By Adam Serwer

On Saturday, Georgia Congressman John Lewis went nuclear on John McCain, releasing a statement that seemed to compare McCain to segregationist George Wallace. "George Wallace never threw a bomb," Lewis wrote. "He never fired a gun, but he created the climate and the conditions that encouraged vicious attacks against innocent Americans who only desired to exercise their constitutional rights." The civil rights icon continued, "Because of this atmosphere of hate, four little girls were killed one Sunday morning when a church was bombed in Birmingham, Alabama."

Lewis accused McCain and his running mate Sarah Palin of "sowing the seeds of hatred and division." He was referring to the angry tone of recent McCain rallies, where cries of "kill him" and "off with his head" have made many people anxious about the potential for violence against the Democratic nominee.

It's no wonder that the tone at McCain rallies remind Lewis of the bad old days. In recent months, conservatives have sounded increasingly retro with their attempts to paint Obama as a socialist or communist. In some ways, this accusation is typical far-right boilerplate. Obama certainly isn't the first Democrat running for president to be accused of communist sympathies. And as usual, the accusations are rarely linked to policy specifics. But the difference with Obama is that, in the eyes of the right, it's not just his political affiliation that implicates him as a socialist. It's his ethnic background.

The hysterical accusations of socialism from conservatives echo similar accusations leveled at black leaders in the past, as though the quest for racial parity were simply a left-wing plot. Obama may not actually be a socialist or communist, but his election would strike another powerful blow to the informal racial hierarchy that has existed in America since the 1960s, when it ceased being enforced by law. This hierarchy, which holds that whiteness is synonymous with American-ness, is one conservatives are now instinctively trying to preserve. Like black civil-rights activists of the 1960s, Obama symbolizes the destruction of a social order they see as fundamentally American, which is why terms like "socialism" are used to describe the threat.

This phenomenon extends beyond Obama's candidacy. The conservative explanation for the mortgage crisis falls neatly into this narrative, too; the country is at risk because Democrats allowed minorities to disrupt the natural social order by becoming homeowners. Never mind that this defies all data, logic, and history, the narrative resonates because it allows Obama, a living symbol of black folks rising above "their station," to become a focus for conservative economic anxieties.

Conservatives, now and in the past, have turned to "socialism" and "communism" as shorthand to criticize black activists and political figures since the civil-rights era. In The Autobiography of Malcolm X as written by Alex Haley, Malcolm recalls being confronting by a government agent tailing him in Africa, not long after his pilgrimage to Mecca. The agent was convinced that Malcolm was a communist. Malcolm spent years under surveillance because of such bizarre suspicions. Likewise, J. Edgar Hoover spent years attempting to link Martin Luther King Jr. to the communist cause. King, for his part, welcomed everyone who embraced the cause of black civil rights, regardless of their ideological ties. This included communists and socialists, but the idea that a devout man of God like King saw black rights as a mere step in a worldwide communist revolution was absurd. Malcolm was a conservative. King was a liberal. To their enemies, they were simply communists.

The feeling that black-rights activists were part of a front for communism and socialism was widespread. Jerry Falwell famously criticized "the sincerity and intentions of some civil rights leaders such as Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., James Farmer, and others, who are known to have left-wing associations." Falwell charged, "It is very obvious that the Communists, as they do in all parts of the world, are taking advantage of a tense situation in our land, and are exploiting every incident to bring about violence and bloodshed." For the agents of intolerance, things haven’t changed much. On October 9, a McCain supporter told the candidate that he was angry about "socialists taking over our country." McCain told him he was right to be angry.

The right wing continues to link the fight for black equality with socialism and communism. At the website of conservatism’s flagship publication, National Review, conservatives like Andy McCarthy argue whether Obama is "more Maoist than Stalinist," and National Review writer Lisa Schiffren explicitly argued this summer that Obama must have communist links based on his interracial background. Schiffren mused, "for a white woman to marry a black man in 1958, or 60, there was almost inevitably a connection to explicit Communist politics."

This conclusion is one she shares with Robert Shelton, Imperial Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan in the 1950s, who declared that "amalgamation is ultimately the goal of the Communist element." (To be fair, these conclusions make a bit of sense: could there be a more perfect vessel for a secret communist takeover of the United States than a biracial one-term senator from Chicago with an Arabic-sounding name? At a Starbucks somewhere, Chairman Mao is leeching WiFi for a quick instant message to William Ayers: "It’s happening exactly how we planned it.")

McCain, a child of privilege who spent the late 1960s in a Vietnamese prison camp, may simply be unaware of the feelings and historical context he has evoked through his campaign’s rhetoric. When Sarah Palin accuses Obama of "palling around with terrorists" and suggests that Obama hates his own country enough to wish it violence, the McCain campaign fuels age-old paranoia built around the conflation of black rights and the radical left. As for McCain himself, his attempts to tamp down the vitriol of his crowds suggest that he is somewhat confused by their response. He wants voters to dislike Obama, but he seems unaware of just what he has unleashed. However, by implicitly invoking the idea that Obama represents a socialist takeover of the United States, McCain is inviting what can only be a rational response from those who would die for their country: violence. What else is a patriot to do when freedom is threatened? Especially when their fears have been validated by no less authoritative a source than the Republican nominee for president of the United States?

John McCain is no George Wallace, and a direct comparison may not be what Lewis intended. Rather, Lewis was expressing concern that the McCain campaign’s rhetoric could lead some of their supporters to conclude that violence is the only rational response to an Obama victory. (This is essentially the position staked out by the Obama campaign, which both rejected the Wallace comparison and remained critical of the "hateful rhetoric" at McCain rallies.) A veteran of the 1968 civil-rights march with Dr. King across the Edmund Pettis Bridge, John Lewis has the kind of credibility on mob violence that John McCain has on torture.

We should listen to him very carefully.

Oderint, dum metuant.

You are a god damned idiot, you know that? You ought to be smacked upside your dumb-fuck head, even after all these years. Shame on you!
-USCHI showin' some love

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People call obama a socialist because he is a socialist.

November 6th, 2012: Americas new Independence Day.
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what the Bastards article is saying, is that you cannot criticize Obama without being evil. He is the Obamassiah after all....

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I lost respect for the Bastard with that one. We have brains and we decided on our own that we don't like Obama. He is a fucking socialist piece of filth. McCain has done nothing to make people hate him.......THEY HATED HIM ALREADY!

why is it so fucking hard for you guys to understand that? Are we not speaking slow enough?

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 Originally Posted By: THE Bastard
In recent months, conservatives have sounded increasingly retro with their attempts to paint Obama as a socialist or communist. In some ways, this accusation is typical far-right boilerplate. Obama certainly isn't the first Democrat running for president to be accused of communist sympathies. And as usual, the accusations are rarely linked to policy specifics. But the difference with Obama is that, in the eyes of the right, it's not just his political affiliation that implicates him as a socialist. It's his ethnic background.

The hysterical accusations of socialism from conservatives echo similar accusations leveled at black leaders in the past, as though the quest for racial parity were simply a left-wing plot...

This is another good example of the coming chill on free speech under Glorious Leader Obama. Now, you can't even criticize his economic policies without being called a "racist."

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If Obama does win the backlash in 2012 may be horrible for Dems. I even fell that he will set race relations back with these little games he and his campaign are playing.

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I don't know. After four years of media manipulation and hate speech laws will anyone report what's going on? Will any credible candidate even dare to run against him?

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My gut tells me many Dem politicians in the House and Senate will realize themselves the horrors they have unleashed.

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Jose and Carlos are panhandlers.....

They panhandle on different areas of town.

Carlos panhandles just as long as Jose but only collects 2 to 3 dollars every day.

Jose brings home a suitcase FULL of $10 bills, drives a Mercedes, lives in a mortgage free house and has a lot of money to spend.

Carlos says to Jose, "I work just as long and hard as you do but how do you bring home a suitcase full of $10 bills every day?".

Jose says, .... "Look at your sign, what does it say"?

Carlos sign reads, "I have no work, a wife and 6 kids to support."

Jose says, "No wonder you only get $2-3 dollars"

Carlos says... "So what does your sign say"?

Jose shows Carlos his sign......

It reads, "I only need another $10.00 to move back to Mexico ".

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 Originally Posted By: People Other Than The Extreme Right
We have brains and we decided on our own that we don't like McCain. He is a fucking racist piece of filth. Obama has done nothing to make people hate him.......THEY HATED HIM ALREADY!

why is it so fucking hard for you guys to understand that? Are we not speaking slow enough?

There you go... \:\)

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you are a disgrace to that avatar.

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 Originally Posted By: whomod
Obama’s Personal Ties Are Subject of Program on Fox News Channel

Published: October 6, 2008

During a weekend of Republican attacks on Senator Barack Obama’s personal associations, Fox News Channel ran a program Sunday that made provocative assertions about similar connections, called “Obama & Friends: The History of Radicalism.”

Sean Hannity, the conservative radio and television host, was the host of the hourlong program, which raised, among other things, unsubstantiated accusations that Mr. Obama’s work as a community organizer in Chicago was “training for a radical overthrow of the government.”

The statement came from Andy Martin, a conservative writer and frequent political candidate who is credited as being among the first — if not the first — to assert in a chain e-mail message that Mr. Obama was secretly a Muslim.

Mr. Obama is a Christian; his campaign says he “is not, was not and has never been” a Muslim.

Peppering his statements with phrases like “in my opinion” and “my view is,” Mr. Martin said Mr. Obama’s political career had been engineered by Bill Ayers, a founder and former member of the radical Weather Underground and now an education professor in Chicago.

Various reports, including ones in The New York Times, have found no evidence that Mr. Obama and Mr. Ayers were particularly close, although they have had various points of contact. Mr. Ayers was host of an event for Mr. Obama early in his political career, they served together on a charitable board, and both worked on an educational project financed by the billionaire philanthropist Walter H. Annenberg.

The program was the latest step in the evolution of opinion journalism on cable news. It comes as one of Fox News’s rivals, MSNBC, becomes increasingly liberal, with hosts like Rachel Maddow and Keith Olbermann advocating against Senator John McCain. But Mr. Hannity’s program on Sunday was notable in presenting partisan accusations against Mr. Obama in a journalistic, documentary format in prime time.

Saying he believed that ties between Mr. Obama and Mr. Ayers were deeper, and reporting that Mr. Ayers had been an admirer of the Venezuelan president Hugo Chávez, who, in turn, is an acolyte of Fidel Castro, Mr. Martin said, “If you love the Cuban revolution and Castro, and if you love what’s happening in Venezuela with Hugo Chávez, you’ll love Barry Obama — Barack Obama, as he calls himself — in the White House.”

For good measure, Mr. Martin, who made a failed bid to run on the Republican line in the 2004 race for a Senate seat from Illinois that Mr. Obama won, added, “We are basically going in the throes of a social revolution which attempts to essentially freeze out anybody who is not part of this radical ideology.”

The special was shown on “Hannity’s America,” the Sunday night program in which Mr. Hannity does not have to share the screen with his weeknight liberal co-host on Fox News, Alan Colmes.

Mr. Hannity said that Mr. Obama did not respond to a request for comment. Still, the program presented no opposing viewpoint to the program’s thesis: that, in Mr. Hannity’s words, “Obama’s list of friends reads like a history of radicalism.”

Mr. Hannity’s executive producer, John Finley, said that the program was clearly opinion and that the audience — on average 1.5 million to 2 million — knew to take it as such. “ ‘Hannity’s America’ is an opinion show — it’s a show from Sean’s perspective, which is obviously conservative,” Mr. Finley said.

Speaking of Mr. Martin, he added, “It’s one man’s opinion, one of many that was expressed on the show.”

Mr. Martin said he was careful not to present his theories about Mr. Obama as proven fact.

“That is my opinion — expert opinion — if you will,” Mr. Martin said of his commentary on Mr. Hannity’s program. “I don’t pretend to be an exclusively fact-based reporter, though I try as hard as I can to get the facts.”

Mr. Martin came under strong attack from liberals on Monday. Many noted that the Republican Party of Florida decided against backing his bid for the State Senate in 1996 after receiving documents from his Congressional race 10 years earlier in Connecticut listing the purpose of one of his political committees as “to exterminate Jew power in America and to impeach the judges of the U.S. Court of Appeals in New York City.”

Mr. Martin had previously said the documents were forged, and again denied their authenticity on Monday. He also denied harboring anti-Semitic sentiment, saying “it’s peripheral, it draws you away from the issue.”

And when confronted that this guy that Sean Hannity gave an hour long forum to was a Andy Martin, virulent anti-semite, well, Hannity went ballistic.

Talking over your guests is a common FOX tactic but he made a good point. 1 that Walter Annanberg, a Reagan ambassador and a friend to Reagan also sat on this board. And ironically his widow now supports McCain. And as Alan Colmes states in the piece, the board included both Democrats and Republicans as well as William Ayers. But McCain Palin would have all of us believe that this board was some hotbed of anti-American radicalism.

So Obama, sititing on a panel with democrats and Republicans which included William Ayers, a political figure in Chicago education and politics can be tarred with associations but Sean Hannity who invited a guy on a show specifically designed to promote this smear that he agrees with isn't an anti-semite?

But I thought if you sit with someone, you have to agree with everything they're ever said and done in their life!

But wow! So FOX hosts an hour long smear piece with absolutely little to no facts, just b.s. from some anti-semite who has made all sorts of racist and just outright kooky allegations in the past.

This is the Republican Party in the 21st century. It's sad really. What do you say when right wing radicals and racists call you radical and racist?

Well, it turns out Andy Martin is much more than the nut job that Sean Hannity built an entire Sunday LIESreport around, he's also the origin of the whole Obama is a Muslim LIE/SMEAR.

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Expose these Republican vampires to the light of day once and for all and maybe they'll finally fucking die and stop trying to poison the national discourse with their constant lies!

The Man Behind the Whispers About Obama
Published: October 12, 2008

The most persistent falsehood about Senator Barack Obama’s background first hit in 2004 just two weeks after the Democratic convention speech that helped set him on the path to his presidential candidacy: “Obama is a Muslim who has concealed his religion.”

That statement, contained in a press release, spun a complex tale about the ancestry of Mr. Obama, who is Christian.

The press release was picked up by a conservative Web site,, and spread steadily as others elaborated on its claims over the years in e-mail messages, Web sites and books. It continues to drive other false rumors about Mr. Obama’s background.

Just last Friday, a woman told Senator John McCain at a town-hall-style meeting, “I have read about him,” and “he’s an Arab.” Mr. McCain corrected her.

Until this month, the man who is widely credited with starting the cyberwhisper campaign that still dogs Mr. Obama was a secondary character in news reports, with deep explorations of his background largely confined to liberal blogs.

But an appearance in a documentary-style program on the Fox News Channel watched by three million people last week thrust the man, Andy Martin, and his past into the foreground. The program allowed Mr. Martin to assert falsely and without challenge that Mr. Obama had once trained to overthrow the government.

An examination of legal documents and election filings, along with interviews with his acquaintances, revealed Mr. Martin, 62, to be a man with a history of scintillating if not always factual claims. He has left a trail of animosity — some of it provoked by anti-Jewish comments — among political leaders, lawyers and judges in three states over more than 30 years.

He is a law school graduate, but his admission to the Illinois bar was blocked in the 1970s after a psychiatric finding of “moderately severe character defect manifested by well-documented ideation with a paranoid flavor and a grandiose character.”

Though he is not a lawyer, Mr. Martin went on to become a prodigious filer of lawsuits, and he made unsuccessful attempts to win public office for both parties in three states, as well as for president at least twice, in 1988 and 2000. Based in Chicago, he now identifies himself as a writer who focuses on his anti-Obama Web site and press releases.

Mr. Martin, in a series of interviews, did not dispute his influence in Obama rumors.

“Everybody uses my research as a takeoff point,” Mr. Martin said, adding, however, that some take his writings “and exaggerate them to suit their own fantasies.”

As for his background, he said: “I’m a colorful person. There’s always somebody who has a legitimate cause in their mind to be angry with me.”

When questions were raised last week about Mr. Martin’s appearance and claims on “Hannity’s America” on Fox News, the program’s producer said Mr. Martin was clearly expressing his opinion and not necessarily fact.

It was not Mr. Martin's first turn on national television. The CBS News program "48 Hours" in 1993 devoted an hourlong program, "See You in Court; Civil War, Anthony Martin Clogs Legal System with Frivolous Lawsuits," to what it called his prolific filings. (Mr. Martin has also been known as Anthony Martin-Trigona.) He has filed so many lawsuits that a judge barred him from doing so in any federal court without preliminary approval.

He prepared to run as a Democrat for Congress in Connecticut, where paperwork for one of his campaign committees listed as one purpose “to exterminate Jew power.” He ran as a Republican for the Florida State Senate and the United States Senate in Illinois. When running for president in 1999, he aired a television advertisement in New Hampshire that accused George W. Bush of using cocaine.

In the 1990s, Mr. Martin was jailed in a case in Florida involving a physical altercation.

His newfound prominence, and the persistence of his line of political attack — updated regularly on his Web site and through press releases — amazes those from his past.

“Well, that’s just a bookend for me,” said Tom Slade, a former chairman of the Florida Republican Party, whom Mr. Martin sued for refusing to support him. Mr. Slade said Mr. Martin was driven like “a run-over dog, but he’s fearless.”

Given Mr. Obama’s unusual background, which was the focus of his first book, it was perhaps bound to become fodder for some opposed to his candidacy.

Mr. Obama was raised mostly by his white mother, an atheist, and his grandparents, who were Protestant, in Hawaii. He hardly knew his father, a Kenyan from a Muslim family who variously considered himself atheist or agnostic, Mr. Obama wrote. For a few childhood years, Mr. Obama lived in Indonesia with a stepfather he described as loosely following a liberal Islam.

Theories about Mr. Obama’s background have taken on a life of their own. But independent analysts seeking the origins of the cyberspace attacks wind up at Mr. Martin’s first press release, posted on the Free Republic Web site in August 2004.

Its general outlines have turned up in a host of works that have expounded falsely on Mr. Obama’s heritage or supposed attempts to conceal it, including “Obama Nation,” the widely discredited best seller about Mr. Obama by Jerome R. Corsi. Mr. Corsi opens the book with a quote from Mr. Martin.

“What he’s generating gets picked up in other places,” said Danielle Allen, a professor at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, N.J., who has investigated the e-mail campaign’s circulation and origins, “and it’s an example of how the Internet has given power to sources we would have never taken seriously at another point in time.”

Ms. Allen said Mr. Martin’s original work found amplification in 2006, when a man named Ted Sampley wrote an article painting Mr. Obama as a secret practitioner of Islam. Quoting liberally from Mr. Martin, the article circulated on the Internet, and its contents eventually found their way into various e-mail messages, particularly an added claim that Mr. Obama had attended “Jakarta’s Muslim Wahhabi schools. Wahhabism is the radical teaching that created the Muslim terrorists who are now waging jihad on the rest of the world.”

Mr. Obama for two years attended a Catholic school in Indonesia, where he was taught about the Bible, he wrote in “Dreams From My Father,” and for two years went to an Indonesian public school open to all religions, where he was taught about the Koran.

Mr. Sampley, coincidentally, is a Vietnam veteran and longtime opponent of Mr. McCain and Senator John Kerry, both of whom he accused of ignoring his claims that American prisoners were left behind in Vietnam. He previously portrayed Mr. McCain as a “Manchurian candidate.” Speaking of Mr. Martin’s influence on his Obama writings, Mr. Sampley said, “I keyed off of his work.”

Mr. Martin’s depictions of Mr. Obama as a secret Muslim have found resonance among some Jewish voters who have received e-mail messages containing various versions of his initial theory, often by new authors and with new twists.

In his original press release, Mr. Martin wrote that he was personally “a strong supporter of the Muslim community.” But, he wrote of Mr. Obama, “it may well be that his concealment is meant to endanger Israel.” He added, “His Muslim religion would obviously raise serious questions in many Jewish circles.”

Yet in various court papers, Mr. Martin had impugned Jews.

A motion he filed in a 1983 bankruptcy case called the judge “a crooked, slimy Jew who has a history of lying and thieving common to members of his race.”

In another motion, filed in 1983, Mr. Martin wrote, “I am able to understand how the Holocaust took place, and with every passing day feel less and less sorry that it did.”

In an interview, Mr. Martin denied some statements against Jews attributed to him in court papers, blaming malicious judges for inserting them.

But in his “48 Hours” interview in 1993, he affirmed a different anti-Semitic part of the affidavit that included the line about the Holocaust, saying, “The record speaks for itself.”

When asked Friday about an assertion in his court papers that “Jews, historically and in daily living, act through clans and in wolf pack syndrome,” he said, “That one sort of rings a bell.”

He said he was not anti-Semitic. “I was trying to show that everybody in the bankruptcy court was Jewish and I was not Jewish,” he said, “and I was being victimized by religious bias.”

In discussing the denial of his admission to the Illinois bar, Mr. Martin said the psychiatric exam listing him as having a “moderately severe personality defect” was spitefully written by an evaluator he had clashed with.

Mr. Martin, who says he is from a well-off banking and farming family, is clearly pleased with his newfound attention. But, he said, others have added to his work in “scary” ways.

“They Google ‘Islam’ and ‘Obama’ and my stuff comes up and they take that and kind of use that — like a Christmas tree, and they decorate it,” he said. For instance, he said, he did not necessarily ascribe to a widely circulated e-mail message from the Israeli right-wing activist Ruth Matar, which includes the false assertion, “If Obama were elected, he would be the first Arab-American president.”

He said he had at least come to “accept” Mr. Obama’s word that he had found Jesus Christ. His intent, he said, was only to educate.

It's amazing that the same sordid cast of characters always seem to show up like bugs under a rock that gets picked up every 4 years. Ted Sampley is another guy I wrote about recently. he's the guy behind the McCain smears of 2000 andis now working with McCain on the Ayers smears.

Here's my post on that asshole:

 Originally Posted By: whomod
 Originally Posted By: britneyspearsatemyshorts
a man gets tortured defending this great nation and you mock him. it shows your character, and the character of the candidate you support.

He got "tortured"?

But I thought the types of things done to McCain, the Bush Administration and even you guys on occasion referred to as nothing worse than fraternity pranks.

Shows how relative you think "torture" and the rule of law is.

I also seem to recall that GOP hero and now informal McCain advisor Karl Rove once accused McCain of treason for what he did in that prison. With allegations of spilling secrets then using Ted Sampley of swiftboat fame as a surrogate to infer that McCain was (like Obama now) a "Manchurian Candidate". He accused McCain of being a weak-minded coward who had escaped death by collaborating with the enemy. Sampley claimed that McCain had first been compromised by the Vietnamese, then recruited by the Soviets.”

It certainly sounded a bit more substantive than G-Man's blog post about Obama. Especially since I seem to recall almost the entirety of the right wing and the Republicans swearing by Sampley's accusations against John Kerry. Including some of the dimwits here on these boards. So based on that trust and legitimacy given to Ted Sampley by Republicans, it sure sounds like someone that the right wing Republicans heed and trust to not be wrong on stuff.

You go to bed with snakes and ultimately you're the one that's gonna get bit.

It seems you guys gravitate to these disturbed jackasses with great frequency and with great enthusiasm in order to swallow their scurrilous lies... Why is that?

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I thought you were the Obama supporter?

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not a supporter of the muslim obama apparently.


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I can't be arsed to read all that. Is whomod now claiming that Ayers never existed and Republicans made him up, or what?

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all I know is that he beats his wife. I'm not really a whomod expert.


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 Originally Posted By: whomod
Expose these Republican vampires to the light of day once and for all and maybe they'll finally fucking die and stop trying to poison the national discourse with their constant lies!

The Man Behind the Whispers About Obama
Published: October 12, 2008

The most persistent falsehood about Senator Barack Obama’s background first hit in 2004 just two weeks after the Democratic convention speech that helped set him on the path to his presidential candidacy: “Obama is a Muslim who has concealed his religion.”

That statement, contained in a press release, spun a complex tale about the ancestry of Mr. Obama, who is Christian.

The press release was picked up by a conservative Web site,, and spread steadily as others elaborated on its claims over the years in e-mail messages, Web sites and books. It continues to drive other false rumors about Mr. Obama’s background.

Just last Friday, a woman told Senator John McCain at a town-hall-style meeting, “I have read about him,” and “he’s an Arab.” Mr. McCain corrected her.

Until this month, the man who is widely credited with starting the cyberwhisper campaign that still dogs Mr. Obama was a secondary character in news reports, with deep explorations of his background largely confined to liberal blogs.

But an appearance in a documentary-style program on the Fox News Channel watched by three million people last week thrust the man, Andy Martin, and his past into the foreground. The program allowed Mr. Martin to assert falsely and without challenge that Mr. Obama had once trained to overthrow the government.

An examination of legal documents and election filings, along with interviews with his acquaintances, revealed Mr. Martin, 62, to be a man with a history of scintillating if not always factual claims. He has left a trail of animosity — some of it provoked by anti-Jewish comments — among political leaders, lawyers and judges in three states over more than 30 years.

He is a law school graduate, but his admission to the Illinois bar was blocked in the 1970s after a psychiatric finding of “moderately severe character defect manifested by well-documented ideation with a paranoid flavor and a grandiose character.”

Though he is not a lawyer, Mr. Martin went on to become a prodigious filer of lawsuits, and he made unsuccessful attempts to win public office for both parties in three states, as well as for president at least twice, in 1988 and 2000. Based in Chicago, he now identifies himself as a writer who focuses on his anti-Obama Web site and press releases.

Mr. Martin, in a series of interviews, did not dispute his influence in Obama rumors.

“Everybody uses my research as a takeoff point,” Mr. Martin said, adding, however, that some take his writings “and exaggerate them to suit their own fantasies.”

As for his background, he said: “I’m a colorful person. There’s always somebody who has a legitimate cause in their mind to be angry with me.”

When questions were raised last week about Mr. Martin’s appearance and claims on “Hannity’s America” on Fox News, the program’s producer said Mr. Martin was clearly expressing his opinion and not necessarily fact.

It was not Mr. Martin's first turn on national television. The CBS News program "48 Hours" in 1993 devoted an hourlong program, "See You in Court; Civil War, Anthony Martin Clogs Legal System with Frivolous Lawsuits," to what it called his prolific filings. (Mr. Martin has also been known as Anthony Martin-Trigona.) He has filed so many lawsuits that a judge barred him from doing so in any federal court without preliminary approval.

He prepared to run as a Democrat for Congress in Connecticut, where paperwork for one of his campaign committees listed as one purpose “to exterminate Jew power.” He ran as a Republican for the Florida State Senate and the United States Senate in Illinois. When running for president in 1999, he aired a television advertisement in New Hampshire that accused George W. Bush of using cocaine.

In the 1990s, Mr. Martin was jailed in a case in Florida involving a physical altercation.

His newfound prominence, and the persistence of his line of political attack — updated regularly on his Web site and through press releases — amazes those from his past.

“Well, that’s just a bookend for me,” said Tom Slade, a former chairman of the Florida Republican Party, whom Mr. Martin sued for refusing to support him. Mr. Slade said Mr. Martin was driven like “a run-over dog, but he’s fearless.”

Given Mr. Obama’s unusual background, which was the focus of his first book, it was perhaps bound to become fodder for some opposed to his candidacy.

Mr. Obama was raised mostly by his white mother, an atheist, and his grandparents, who were Protestant, in Hawaii. He hardly knew his father, a Kenyan from a Muslim family who variously considered himself atheist or agnostic, Mr. Obama wrote. For a few childhood years, Mr. Obama lived in Indonesia with a stepfather he described as loosely following a liberal Islam.

Theories about Mr. Obama’s background have taken on a life of their own. But independent analysts seeking the origins of the cyberspace attacks wind up at Mr. Martin’s first press release, posted on the Free Republic Web site in August 2004.

Its general outlines have turned up in a host of works that have expounded falsely on Mr. Obama’s heritage or supposed attempts to conceal it, including “Obama Nation,” the widely discredited best seller about Mr. Obama by Jerome R. Corsi. Mr. Corsi opens the book with a quote from Mr. Martin.

“What he’s generating gets picked up in other places,” said Danielle Allen, a professor at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, N.J., who has investigated the e-mail campaign’s circulation and origins, “and it’s an example of how the Internet has given power to sources we would have never taken seriously at another point in time.”

Ms. Allen said Mr. Martin’s original work found amplification in 2006, when a man named Ted Sampley wrote an article painting Mr. Obama as a secret practitioner of Islam. Quoting liberally from Mr. Martin, the article circulated on the Internet, and its contents eventually found their way into various e-mail messages, particularly an added claim that Mr. Obama had attended “Jakarta’s Muslim Wahhabi schools. Wahhabism is the radical teaching that created the Muslim terrorists who are now waging jihad on the rest of the world.”

Mr. Obama for two years attended a Catholic school in Indonesia, where he was taught about the Bible, he wrote in “Dreams From My Father,” and for two years went to an Indonesian public school open to all religions, where he was taught about the Koran.

Mr. Sampley, coincidentally, is a Vietnam veteran and longtime opponent of Mr. McCain and Senator John Kerry, both of whom he accused of ignoring his claims that American prisoners were left behind in Vietnam. He previously portrayed Mr. McCain as a “Manchurian candidate.” Speaking of Mr. Martin’s influence on his Obama writings, Mr. Sampley said, “I keyed off of his work.”

Mr. Martin’s depictions of Mr. Obama as a secret Muslim have found resonance among some Jewish voters who have received e-mail messages containing various versions of his initial theory, often by new authors and with new twists.

In his original press release, Mr. Martin wrote that he was personally “a strong supporter of the Muslim community.” But, he wrote of Mr. Obama, “it may well be that his concealment is meant to endanger Israel.” He added, “His Muslim religion would obviously raise serious questions in many Jewish circles.”

Yet in various court papers, Mr. Martin had impugned Jews.

A motion he filed in a 1983 bankruptcy case called the judge “a crooked, slimy Jew who has a history of lying and thieving common to members of his race.”

In another motion, filed in 1983, Mr. Martin wrote, “I am able to understand how the Holocaust took place, and with every passing day feel less and less sorry that it did.”

In an interview, Mr. Martin denied some statements against Jews attributed to him in court papers, blaming malicious judges for inserting them.

But in his “48 Hours” interview in 1993, he affirmed a different anti-Semitic part of the affidavit that included the line about the Holocaust, saying, “The record speaks for itself.”

When asked Friday about an assertion in his court papers that “Jews, historically and in daily living, act through clans and in wolf pack syndrome,” he said, “That one sort of rings a bell.”

He said he was not anti-Semitic. “I was trying to show that everybody in the bankruptcy court was Jewish and I was not Jewish,” he said, “and I was being victimized by religious bias.”

In discussing the denial of his admission to the Illinois bar, Mr. Martin said the psychiatric exam listing him as having a “moderately severe personality defect” was spitefully written by an evaluator he had clashed with.

Mr. Martin, who says he is from a well-off banking and farming family, is clearly pleased with his newfound attention. But, he said, others have added to his work in “scary” ways.

“They Google ‘Islam’ and ‘Obama’ and my stuff comes up and they take that and kind of use that — like a Christmas tree, and they decorate it,” he said. For instance, he said, he did not necessarily ascribe to a widely circulated e-mail message from the Israeli right-wing activist Ruth Matar, which includes the false assertion, “If Obama were elected, he would be the first Arab-American president.”

He said he had at least come to “accept” Mr. Obama’s word that he had found Jesus Christ. His intent, he said, was only to educate.

It's amazing that the same sordid cast of characters always seem to show up like bugs under a rock that gets picked up every 4 years. Ted Sampley is another guy I wrote about recently. he's the guy behind the McCain smears of 2000 andis now working with McCain on the Ayers smears.

Here's my post on that asshole:

 Originally Posted By: whomod
 Originally Posted By: britneyspearsatemyshorts
a man gets tortured defending this great nation and you mock him. it shows your character, and the character of the candidate you support.

He got "tortured"?

But I thought the types of things done to McCain, the Bush Administration and even you guys on occasion referred to as nothing worse than fraternity pranks.

Shows how relative you think "torture" and the rule of law is.

I also seem to recall that GOP hero and now informal McCain advisor Karl Rove once accused McCain of treason for what he did in that prison. With allegations of spilling secrets then using Ted Sampley of swiftboat fame as a surrogate to infer that McCain was (like Obama now) a "Manchurian Candidate". He accused McCain of being a weak-minded coward who had escaped death by collaborating with the enemy. Sampley claimed that McCain had first been compromised by the Vietnamese, then recruited by the Soviets.”

It certainly sounded a bit more substantive than G-Man's blog post about Obama. Especially since I seem to recall almost the entirety of the right wing and the Republicans swearing by Sampley's accusations against John Kerry. Including some of the dimwits here on these boards. So based on that trust and legitimacy given to Ted Sampley by Republicans, it sure sounds like someone that the right wing Republicans heed and trust to not be wrong on stuff.

You go to bed with snakes and ultimately you're the one that's gonna get bit.

It seems you guys gravitate to these disturbed jackasses with great frequency and with great enthusiasm in order to swallow their scurrilous lies... Why is that?

 Originally Posted By: the G-man
I can't be arsed to read all that. Is whomod now claiming that Ayers never existed and Republicans made him up, or what?

Oh look, the chief familar of these vampires, here on these boards at least is trying to draw the curtains and keep the sun out.

Didn't see that coming. But whatever... the latest polls show that these stupid smears are actually helping Obama and hurting McCain!! \:lol\:

I'll have to start referring to McCain as Captain Boomerang now or something... \:lol\: \:lol\:

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I always thought it was because his mother listed his religion as muslim when he was going to school. That is a fact by the way.

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whomod, when Glorious Leader Obama takes office do you think that he'll make Ayers Secretary of Education or Secretary of Defense? After all, he has equal experience with both books and bombs.

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 Originally Posted By: PJP
I always thought it was because his mother listed his religion as muslim when he was going to school. That is a fact by the way.


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 Originally Posted By: PJP
I always thought it was because his mother listed his religion as muslim when he was going to school. That is a fact by the way.

Who told you that one/ Ted Sampley or Andy Martin?

Even giving you the benefit of the doubt that it is true, what makes you think someone is incapable of converting to another religion and second, what makes you so fearful of the worlds largest religion?

You guys on the right are always so afraid of this or the other. MAN UP already and stop fearing everything not like you or the boogeymen your terrorist commentators try to terrorize you with..

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I saw it on a PBS special about him. In Hawaii you had to list the religion of the kid and up until Grade 5 he was always listed as Muslim. Nobody told me to distrust him. 400 years of Turkish oprresion against my heritage makes me know firsthand what a muslim is all about and that is the end of all religions except theri own.

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 Originally Posted By: whomod
....what makes you so fearful of the worlds largest religion?....

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For thousands of years Muslims have wreaked havoc on all the world.

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And now one will wreak havoc on the "Great Satan" from within.

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Keep it up. By November, Obama should be up 20 points thanks to you nuts.

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Good Darth Whomod good!

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to whomod 9-11 was a forgettable inconvenience for the liberal world.

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Or simply a bunch of "Little Eichmanns" getting their just desserts.

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or as Obama's spiritual leader for 20 years says, "America's birds coming home ot roost"

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 Originally Posted By: PJP
Good Darth Right wing loons, good!

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whomod's wife, if you're able to read this: take the kids and get out. He's gonna explode after Obama gets in.

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 Originally Posted By: whomod
 Originally Posted By: PJP
Good Darth Right wing loons, good!
stop stealing my schtick!

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 Originally Posted By: britneyspearsatemyshorts
to whomod 9-11 was a forgettable inconvenience for the liberal world.

It certainly ended up being an incredible inconvenience to George W. Bush after he couldn't fool anyone into thinking attacking iraq had anything to do with it, and the guy who actually did do it still enjoys freedom.

Of course you're one of the morons who fell for it and still continue to defend it.

Oh, I'm sorry.. I forget, that is a sore point for your party. Repeat after me. George W. Bush let osama Bin Laden get away at Tora Bora and then he said that he's not really concerned about him. Since he was more concerned about a revenge and a one upmanship war on his daddies enemy.

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if olbermann said it it must be true!


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 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
if olbermann said it it must be true!

Bush said it...

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