'their own' choices
Put the pom-poms down and look in a mirror...
I can't. you never leave the mirror long enough.
Oh Phil...

You should have waited a little longer and thought that one through completely. You can try again, if you like...
well think about it. you basically said 'all the smart people are voting for obama and if you're not then you're a big fat stupidhead'. more or less. saying voting for obama is automatically 'thinking for yourself' is about the same thing as those random gaggles of atheists calling themselves 'free-thought' groups. doesn't necessarily mean they're not telling the truth, but it almost always takes on a pejorative connotation - 'we think for ourselves and you don't' - ignoring the irony of using an us/them paradigm to defend one's own individuality.
that's the peril of intellectualism. vanity. people are so intent on defending their cerebral street cred that they'll follow the harvard herd(/stanford stampede/columbia crowd) wherever they go. it basically reduces the
intelligentsia to another special-interest group in the left's back pocket, which I see both as a travesty and an intriguing little challenge. if you're honest with yourself, more often than not you and I and most everyone else tend to follow the herd on at least
some political issues. so in the end, about all that's left of that particular argument is 'my herd is better than your herd'. most everything beyond that is a product of one's own narcissism. hence the mirror reference.