Ah the crazy racist elderly, and Vets! If they don't vote Obama it's because they are racist. It couldn't be because the vets have sacrificed for this country and love it, or that the elderly have been around long enough to have seen this slight of hand trick before, nope it's clear they are racist.
I'm sure whomod will be all over Murtha for stirring racial tensions.
But, Murtha's an elderly vet, himself...
In 1959, Murtha, then a captain, took command of the 34th Special Infantry Company, Marine Corps Reserves, in Johnstown. He remained in the Reserves after his discharge from active duty until he volunteered for service in the Vietnam War, serving from 1966 to 1967, serving as a battalion staff officer (S-2 Intelligence Section), receiving the Bronze Star with Valor device, two Purple Hearts and the Vietnamese Cross of Gallantry. He retired from the Reserves as a colonel in 1990, receiving the Navy Distinguished Service Medal.