I've stickyed topics in the OT for years where the fuck have you been?
The OT forum, Deep Thoughts, Random Chat...those aren't "serious" forums. Does it matter if anyone stickies anything in any of those? Of course not.
as I said earlier, go have whomod do some more research before he has you jump off his lap. I've always maintained Mods should spur discussion, sticky topics, not edit/move/delete.
I know you are new at being a puppet but you gotta expect whomod to not send you out without some game plan.
Wow! I must have really pissed you off. Sorry, but from what you've always drove into people's head over the years is that the posting members of a board...not the Mods...should determine what is front-and-center. But, it seems what you were
really saying was that Mods should only do
what you want them to, right? I mean, that's what it's all about here. It's not like you stickied the "McCain in '08" and the "Obama in '08" threads to represent each side fairly. I could see that being okay, and relevant. No, you stickied two threads that are very anti-Obama. Which is what
you wanted. And that's what this all boils down to, really. What BSAMS wants.

Well, that's fine man. If it's that important to you...and it most obviously is, since you continue to re-stick the threads...I'll just un-stick them whenever I'm around. Otherwise, knock yourself out bsams! Sticky all the anti-Obama threads. Hope it helps you feel better (cause it won't change a fuck bit of difference in the voting world)...