Originally Posted By: the G-man

No. they did none of that. "Joe the plumber" did all that himself by making himself the willing tool of the right by going to an obama rally and challenging him with outright lies...

Actually, Joe made a statement to Obama and Obama, in response, admitted that he would be raising Joe's taxes. As such, you really can't say that Joe was speaking "outright lies."

LIE. Obama admitted no such thing.

First off Joe Wurzelbacher, isn’t a Joe at all, but a Sam and he ain’t no plumber either (no license no occupation!).Could it get any worse? You betcha, he owes back taxes too. He's not buying the business either. Plus the average plumber in Ohio makes about 42, 000 a year, far less than 250,000 isn't it? That's assuming that "Joe" had a license and money. And if he could, he wouldn’t have any money left to invest because the IRS will wan’t their share first.

He put himself out there, he lied to Obama to try to score points for the right, which he clearly is a sheep.. um... I mean follower of. And it was the PRESS, not the Obama campaign that exposed this fraud.

Furthermore, even if we were to accept that Joe was wrong about Obama's plan, the fact still remains that an ordinary blue-collar citizen, who chose to exercise his First Amendment right and disagree with a presidential candidate, is being smeared and hounded by, not only members of the candidate's campaign, but the very "free press" that claims to be a guardian of the first amendment.

You and I both know that the intent here is to send a message to any ordinary person that he or she had better not question Obama's policies.

It's classic Chicago-style thug politics, on a national level.

Man, you guys really are desperate. First McCain trotting out an improperly vetted "everyman" in a nationally televised debate without first investigating if his story wouldn't fall apart under the slightest scrutiny and then repeating his name to a ridiculous degree (over 20 times!) thus practically inviting the media to look into who this guy was. Then you guys still have the stones to try to pin it all on Obama??!! \:lol\:

This is another example of just how crap and amateurish a campaign McCain has. that the right wing media in unison with the McCain campaign is now trying to run interference and blame Obama for the consequences of "Joe's" duplicity to obfuscate their fuck up is just more desperation.

It's sad really. All you have left are smear robo-calls trying to insinuate that Obama is a terrorist, that no one cares about, allegations about ACORN, which no one cares about and Obama was fully prepared to challenge and now this, the 'Joe the (non) Plumber' outrage.

Really. Were you prepared for how lame and desperate the McCain campaign would be in the final weeks?

Can I expect the return of Jerimiah Wright and "Hussein" in the final 2 weeks? It's like you guys learned NOTHING from Hillary and the primaries! And that was before an economic crisis caught everyones attention! Serious attention, not attention to trivia and smear that the gOP excel at.