As for the rest of your points, they just boil down to more of the same: smears and attacks on the little guy for daring to question the Supreme Ruler to Be.
Now tell us again how the Democrat Party is for the "little guy."
Geez G-man. You glossed over EVERYTHING about Joe the Plumber and his lies and focused like a laser on something you could defend. His name. His name was the LEAST of his lies.
And still you try to blame Obama for the national media doing their job and answering for people just who this guy is. If it turned out unfavorably for this guy, it was of his own making. He put himself out there for the right wing media to embrace him. McCain then put his name out over 20 times there for the media then to have to answer just who is this guy. Obama had NOTHING to do with exposing this clown.
"Joe the Plumber" had EVERYTHING to do with lying to cameras and to Obama's face to try to score political points for McCain. The right wing media had everything to do with this for giving him a platform after that exchange to further spew his lies.
This was a tactical decision on McCain's part and McCain didn't vet this guy, just like he didn't vet Sarah Palin. And in both instances, it backfired once the press did it's job.