Originally Posted By: whomod
 Originally Posted By: the G-man

No. they did none of that. "Joe the plumber" did all that himself by making himself the willing tool of the right by going to an obama rally and challenging him with outright lies...

Actually, Joe made a statement to Obama and Obama, in response, admitted that he would be raising Joe's taxes. As such, you really can't say that Joe was speaking "outright lies."

LIE. Obama admitted no such thing.

First off Joe Wurzelbacher, isn’t a Joe at all, but a Sam and he ain’t no plumber either (no license no occupation!).Could it get any worse? You betcha, he owes back taxes too. He's not buying the business either. Plus the average plumber in Ohio makes about 42, 000 a year, far less than 250,000 isn't it? That's assuming that "Joe" had a license and money. And if he could, he wouldn’t have any money left to invest because the IRS will wan’t their share first.

He put himself out there, he lied to Obama to try to score points for the right, which he clearly is a sheep.. um... I mean follower of. And it was the PRESS, not the Obama campaign that exposed this fraud.

Who gives a flying fuck?

"Sam" presented Obama with a scenario in which Obama admitted he wanted to steal any money "Sam" may have had and give it to people who didn't actually earn it.

But please, by all means, keep trying to distract from the fact that Obama is an anti-capitalist redistribution whore who befriends racists, embezzlers, voter-fraud advocates, and terrorists.