The way I see it is that most obama supporters don't want to discuss it because they are afraid of who he's associated himself with in the past. I've brought it up with friends and family members and they say things like "its still better than four more years of bush" or "you shouldn't judge people by their friends".

Since it took obama so long to be specific about anything (how long did we hear "hope and change") to say anything of substance I think a lot of people see him as who they want to see him as. Bring up specifics to people like this and they either say they don't want to talk about it or they attack mccain with lies that have been propagated by left wing nutjobs.

I'm one of the people that have clarified things about obama. People like my sister repeatedly told me that obama was muslim. I had to show her multiple websites to prove her wrong. I don't support him in any way but I don't want lies spread about him. He's got enough things going against him, why create more?

It all comes down to something I've always believed in. I just want people to be honest. I just want obama to come out and say that he has shady friends. I want obama supporters to see his faults and acknowledge them. I simply want people to reality as it really is.

November 6th, 2012: Americas new Independence Day.