what part of this don't ppl get?
It is a matter of fairness, said Jenny Pizer, a staff attorney with Lambda Legal. "If the voters approved an initiative that took the right to free speech away from women, but not from men, everyone would agree that such a measure conflicts with the basic ideals of equality enshrined in our Constitution. Proposition 8 suffers from the same flaw: It removes a protected constitutional right -- here, the right to marry -- not from all Californians, but just from one group of us," she said.

 Originally Posted By: BASAMS The Plumber
Nothing like trying to take away the constitutional right to vote. You hear the liberal talking about disenfranchising voters, what will this do if an activist court overturns the will of the people?
what if the will of the people was to ban religion? or only same race couples can marry? are we really gonna start going with majority rule? what is wrong with letting someone do what they want, as long as it doesn't infringe on the rights of another? how does a gay person marrying another infringe on any right you have? if the state wants to recognize marriage, it needs to recognize all marriages between consenting adults.

State Is Murder.