I love this country and fully support Obama and hope he does a great job. The dems won't have the GOP to blame anymore so they better not fuck up. I hope that Obama governs center left and not left left. If he does that we should be ok. I know that he won't do most of the things he promised because he can't. One thing that bothers me..... really bothers me about him and his supporters is this...... He was saying Tuesday night about hope and unity and healing saying how we should all come together and stop being divided and Hollywood and Cow Oprah were all saying that now we can all come together and heal the country and we should all be united blah blah.

Well my question for all of Obamanauts is this if McCain won would you all want to be coming aboard our side so we could heal and be united? No probably not
And where was the benefit of the doubt that you will all ask for for Obama sometime in the next year for the past 8 years with Bush? It was up your asses. That just made me laugh out loud. Really you all are for unity and healing as long as you are in control and it is on your terms.

I hope MEM and Jason have some dialogue with me about this.