I won't lie -- I think a LOT of people are overreacting to this election, and speculating entirely too much. As it stands, at work, we've been sold out of every single .223 caliber (or 5.56x45mm) rifle, all 9x19mm parabellum, .45ACP and .357mag ammo since the day after the election. Everyone's convinced Obama's gonna take away their gun rights.
Maybe he will. But I doubt it. And even if he does, how's about we wait until he's actually in office before freakin' out?
Sometimes guns are used in suicides.
This is actually PJP's bro.
So, y'know. Usually I don't bother actually... sayin' anything to you people. But I have to just point out. Given my family history, do you REALLY think suicide is a topic I'd take lightly? I mean, fine. Don't believe me if you don't want to. But think about it, now.
Didn't you just say something about us not getting to you?
November 6th, 2012: Americas new Independence Day.