Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
how many times in this same thread have people pointed out that marriage is a privilege, not a right? if driving were a right you wouldn't need a license for it, now would you? basically it sounds like people want the legal perks of marriage, like the example given of access to terminally-ill patients and the like. well there are already a lot of provisions in place that grant certain of those perks - in the case of the terminally ill, a living will can specify who gets to do what with what with full force of law. seems to me that the people clamoring for this are either after the perks - which can be gotten in other ways - or are simply interested in imposing themselves into yet another institution they'd have no interest in if there were no controversy (attention!) attached to it.

Captain I can honestly tell you it's not a case of just seeking attention. Despite all the partisan back & forth that goes on here, you should remember I'm still a person that cheers on the same comic book goodguys that you do.

I'm not referring to you specifically - hell, for all I know you're a pretty decent guy. but seriously - why is it such a big deal? as I said, there are avenues in place in many jurisdictions to obtain some of the same legal benefits. so what's it really about to you? why is this marriage thing so important that you feel the need to circumvent the proper channels of democracy to make it fit your lifestyle? I seriously want to know.


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