Yeah, not that it matters anymore, but Bill Ayers's appearance on Good Morning America today confirmed more or less every claim the McCain campaign made about his relationship with Obama.

Is he an unrepentant terrorist? Yes:

"I've been quoted again and again as saying, 'I don't regret it,' and saying, 'I don't think we did enough.' And I don't think we did enough," Ayers said.

Did Barack Obama pal around with him? Yes:

"I was asked by the state senator to have a coffee for Barack Obama when he first ran for office," Ayers said. "We had him in our home, and I think he was probably in 20 homes that day."

So... Barack Obama palled around with an unrepentant terrorist! Straight from the horse's mouth.

But Ayers defends his guy, of course:

"This idea that we need to know more, like there's some dark hidden secret, some secret link, is just a myth, and it's a myth thrown up by people that wanted to exploit the politics of fear," Ayers said.

Bill Ayers hates people who exploit fear for political gain. He can't stand it when people hint at shady associations for political gain, and he's not afraid to call them out on TV for the despicable fear-mongerers they are. So you can only imagine the towering righteous anger boiling in his breast for the kind of Rovian masters of fear who would -- and I'm just picking examples at random here -- set off explosives in the Pentagon or the Capitol for political purposes.

But nooooooo, there is no reason to be alarmed at our incoming president's associations with this character.