I think he was running from the law, and didn't realize the road ran out. Looked like that chasm was structured, as well. Like the remains of a skyrise basement, or something. I don't know.

Trailer #2 is up in HD over at the Official Site. More detail than the camcorder in the theater version.

And no. No one can possibly be Bones McCoy, save the late, great DeForrest. I'll reserve judgment for what he does with the role until after I've seen the movie.

I think I just want it to be a real action flick with some humor. I've seen enough from the trailer to see that Abrams is sticking in enough continuity to appease me. Pike, check. Enterprise, check. Sarek and Amanda, check. Kirk as rebel/loner, check. Spock torn between human and Vulcan half, check. Scotty is Scotty, check. Sulu is Asian (possibly gay?), check. I'm willing to see pretty much everything else in a new light.

If anything will actually bother me, it will be if Kirk shoots from Cadet to Captain in this movie. Unless the timeframe itself covers the years, I don't want it to be where he saves the Enterprise (due to Pike being injured/absent) and then becomes its Captain and his band of rebels. That might be what I get. But, I hope not...