Originally Posted By: BASAMS The Plumber
Here Wal-Mart does all the major carriers. Also I think the exclusivity was two years so it may be close to passing or passed.
The AT&T exclusive runs out in August 2012 so there is still a very long time before other carriers will see an iPhone.

 Originally Posted By: the G-man of Zur-En-Arrh
I sort of hope you're right if, for no other reason, so all the Wal-Mart hating urbanite bohemians who are craving an iPhone are forced to make their deal with the "corporate devil."

Walmart will not see an iPhone till the exclusive runs out and maybe not ever even after that. Jobs didn't want the product "cheapened" which I think is stupid. Apple offered the exclusive to Verizon first since they have the better network. But Verizon likes to seel their phones at Costco, Walmart, Best Buy and wherever they can find a spot to do so. Apple told them they aren't allowed to do that and Verizon figured they would play hardball and Apple would eventually come around and that is when Apple simply went to AT&T and the deal got done in days........so no Walmart.