the zimmer featurette was more entertaining than informative, but if I didn't understand motivic development by now I'd have no business in this field. the article touched on it, and I was disappointed by the lack of location featurettes. it seemed like the spidey featurettes spent as much time talking about cleveland as new york as the tdk featurettes spent on chicago as gotham. and that ain't right. as the inventor of the ferris bueller field trip™, I would've enjoyed a more detailed walkthrough, since by my third viewing I was sitting through the exterior sequences like 'yup... been there... been there... hey, that's that one building...'

the unmasked featurette is a repackaged history channel special, and it's not bad, but they could have used the 'batman tech' special from about the same time and it would've been a lot more interesting to a lot of people. (if disc 2 isn't copy-protected I'm considering making my own smash-up features disc with both specials on it.) and all the imax stuff really isn't worth it unless you've got at least a 32" hdtv (really a 42" to see a major difference) and bitchin' home-theater sound. I'm still glad I bought it - the digital copies are useful as my video card is lined out to my tv and this saves me having to jockey the discs around. but unfortunately, it seems like the coolest thing about the edition I bought is that the mask packaging sort of matches the special-edition iron man case I have. hopefully they'll do a begins/dark knight set with a bunch more stuff crammed into it soon.


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