Several I can think of offhand that don't pander solely to either the Left or Right include Glenn Beck, Lou Dobbs, and Pat Buchanan.

You're such a retard. Seriously dude. You're just as blind as all the obamanauts.
Because you just know it all, don't you?
I doubt you've ever watched or read their opinions to judge them with any degree of knowledge. You're just leaping on my opinion because Wonder Boy said it.
You're referring to yourself in the third person. That's how broken you are. You're ashamed to admit your even yourself.
You're the Emperor's new clothes, Rex. You're standin' there acting fully clothed saying "I win", but you're really buck naked, and everyone here knows it.
You've still got nothing to back up what you're saying. I listed patriots on both sides of the political fence, and you're still ranting "partisan, partisan". It rings hollow, and you've got nothin'.