Another day. Another time. And, I most likely still wouldn't help you.
No offense. I just don't see the point.
No offense but I don't see the point in coming to a collaborative writing forum and saying you don't see the point in collaborative writing.
Yes, that's like coming to a Media forum and saying you dont see the point in a tv show, or a poltics forum and saying you hate the politics. Forums are for discussion, you are a dumbass! Btw, it's sad you used you Jester Joker alt!
That's just it though, it is the equivalent if he came to a forum for discussion and said he didn't see the point in discussing things on a forum. Saying you don't see the point in a specific show isn't the same thing as saying you don't see the point in discussing shows in the media forum, for example. That's what concerned/amused me.
btw, it's sad that you can't talk to me without attempting personal insults. Forums are for discussion, after all, not namecalling.