Feinstein: Let Burris In. Key Democrat breaks with Senate colleagues to support Roland Burris in his bid to assume Obama's U.S. Senate seat.
  • California Sen. Dianne Feinstein, chairwoman of the Senate Rules Committee that soon could take up Burris' case, said Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich has the right to appoint a senator despite the allegations of corruption against him.

    "Does the governor have the power, under law, to make the appointment? And the answer is yes," Feinstein said, urging the Senate to settle the matter. "If you don't seat Mr. Burris, it has ramifications for gubernatorial appointments all over America. ... Mr. Burris is a senior, experienced politician."

The more I think about this, the more I think that Burris has the more legitimate claim to a Senate seat right now than Franken does.

Franken’s election result is in legal limbo for now, due to court challenges.
But Burris has been appointed by his governor, the legitimate legal and constitutional authority on the matter.