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The conscience of the rkmbs! 15000+ posts
The conscience of the rkmbs! 15000+ posts
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Dear Citizens of Athanon, I’m sure that many of you are wondering what is going on. This is natural. In precise language, the Athanon boards have been closed indefinitely for a period of reevaluation. This means, simply put, that I’ve locked the place down until I figure out what I want to do with it. Will they be reopened? Possibly. I really can’t say at this moment. I figure that I’ll open that can of worms when I get to it. And I mean can of worms. You’re wondering why the boards are closed. Precise language: A number of events both public and private culminated in my stating that a single infraction along a set guideline would result in the closure of the boards. That infraction took place. The boards were closed. Not so precise language: About three or four months ago, I stepped down as a Keeper. I had reached the point where I either stepped away from the boards entirely or I closed them down. Far too many games were going on for my liking. I offered to give them to someone who had put money and sweat into them and the person declined. I established that I could no longer run the place without losing my cool and I reiterated that Danny was in charge, promoted Dark Typhoid Dave to the position of Keeper, and I left. I spent as much time as I could with my girlfriend or playing Everquest. I kept tabs on the boards. I helped out with the Herald. I’d post from time to time. I avoided the place as much as I could. More reindeer games ensued. Most of which I disliked, some of which got me so angry that I started yelling at some of the people involved either by e-mail or on the phone. As a matter of fact, most of my anger and resentment stems from the actions of friends who manipulated things to be as much in their own best interests as possible. Part of it is directed at me for my inability to tell people that I care about when they are fucking up or calling them on a really bad decision. Petty squabbling went on behind the scenes. Danny kept in control as much as he could, however, life got in the way. Hatter stepped down as Police Commissioner and Keeper. Ouschlander stepped up to the plate. Due to personal problems, Danny was not able to act as mayor. Theoretically speaking, this put me back in the hot seat I pretty much left things up to ouschlander—him being my roommate and best friend, I knew that I could trust him. The Comic-Con in San Diego arrived and the Mad Hatter had to change real life plans when statements made by RONIN made him worry about the safety of both himself and his girlfriend. This was brought to both mine and ouschlander’s attention. Ouschlander made the decision, which I backed, to ban RONIN from Athanon. In my mind, RONIN was and for me still is an unknown. He could be the biggest teddy bear on the block. He could be a raving lunatic. Let’s look at some facts: 1. Hatter’s picture has been published in the yearbook. As such, he’s easily recognizable. RONIN, on the other hand, had not been seen by anyone other than Cassie at that time. As it stands, only a couple of people saw him in San Diego. 2. RONIN has a tendency to let his temper get the best of him. Hatter has a tendency to push people’s buttons. Even if RONIN hadn’t gone with the intention of fighting with Hatter, the possibility still remained that violence could occur. Regardless, arguing is one thing. Making comments that put a person in a position to have to change his plans in regards to the safety of himself and his loved ones, is another thing entirely. RONIN justified the banning when he stole jack trades’ ID, changing the password after jack trusted him it. I do owe RONIN one token of thanks for the whole thing—it got me out of going to the San Diego Zoo. In the meantime, Franta was on vacation. One of his stops was Las Vegas, however, due to my plans with San Diego, I wasn’t in town the day that Franta was. Still, someone thought it would be funny to start the “Franta’s been banned!” rumor with RONIN’s ban being mentioned in the Town Crier. This got the Nature Boyz stirred up, so that when the real ban came, it was like L.A. after a trial. Behind the scenes even MORE stupid human tricks were taking place. Part of this was based on the situation that led to the closing of the boards—The Angle in the Vault Affair. Oakley told these guys to stop. Moorg told these guys to stop. Ouschlander told these guys to stop. Mkisofs e-mailed one of these guys to stop. Razorwitt e-mailed another of these guys to stop. That seems pretty clear to me. “Don’t post anything about Kurt Angle in the Vault or you will be banned.” It’s pretty simple. Pretty damned simple, really. Franta posted about Kurt Angle in the Vault. As a result, he was banned. It is our habit to try to keep the details of a banning between us and the person banned. Everyone else feels that it is important that they know why the person was banned, perhaps so that they could run it through their personal radar and determine whether or not it was fair. Personally, I don’t think that it’s anyone’s business but the person involved unless that person wants to involve others. So a number of people decided to show their support of Franta. Some did so in the Commissioner’s Office. Others did so in the Vault by posting threads about Kurt Angle. They got banned. Year of the Bas tard came forth with a well written, well thought out request to know why. Ouschlander asked me to get involved, so I did. I stated in my response that I had grown tired with all of the games—and I mean ALL of the games. I stated that if one more incident occurred, I would shut the boards down. I’d like to congratulate Loch Hexen for her winning entry of the new thread “Who is Kurt Angle?” located in the Vault of Tomorrow. Big round of applause for showing your support for the banned by posting under an alt-ID—you’ve really made the boys back at the home office proud. Look, people, this isn’t Faber College, none of the Keepers are Dean Wormer, and you guys aren’t Otter and the rest of Delta House. This isn’t a fascist police state. We are not humorless automatons. We are, for the most part, a number of people with various degrees of maturity with the purpose of ensuring that the boards ran properly and that most people were having a good time. Just posters like you, simply in a position of ‘power’ on an Internet message board. I haven’t necessarily agreed with a number of decisions that were made by the administration of Athanon, however, when that’s happened, due to my own rules of outward solidarity, I’ve sucked it up and watched people get treated like shit, usually with my name being waved around. I’ve had numerous arguments with people that have left me feeling physically ill (you know things are really bothering you emotionally when you’re internalizing them and they make you physically sick). We are capable—quite capable—of making bad decisions. I’ve been making bad decisions about this place since October of ’99. I’ve watched the others do the same. “It’s for the good of the boards.” If I never hear those words again, it will be too soon. I’m like a powder keg right now. Anger and frustration are so built up over this and other things going on in my life that the wrong thing could make me explode in someone’s face. I didn’t shut the boards down because of the fact that several people were being loud and obnoxious and acting at a level of maturity just under that of my thirteen year old nephews. I shut them down because I no longer desire to put up with the stress. I was asked to explain the ‘reevaluation period.’ Simply put, I’m trying to determine whether or not the value of re-opening the boards exceeds the expense. The value is from the people like Bibbo, Razorwitt and jack trades and hundreds of others who post there and have fun, but don’t break the one rule I have. The expense is the emotional drain that comes from, to put it simply, trying to regulate adults consistently acting like children. That emotional drain is a high price because it’s one that affects you physically and mentally as well. So I’m thinking about it. It’s going to take a while, so you may want to hit some of the other places out there. I’ve got a life to get in order. And for those of you who were taken completely unaware by this turn of events, I want to say that I truly apologize. Unfortunately, this has consistently been the way of things at Athanon. Any major shakeups have been from a clash between the Keepers and an individual or a relatively small group. I hope that should we open our doors again in the future that you will join us again, or should we never reopen that you are not discomfited too much. Keep an eye on this space for further information. Martin ‘Mobius Infinity’ Hackett 
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devil-lovin' Bat-Man 15000+ posts
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This is news for me!
Signed, Aaliyah
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The conscience of the rkmbs! 15000+ posts
The conscience of the rkmbs! 15000+ posts
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Yeah, I just heard about it today.
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Who will I break next? 15000+ posts
Who will I break next? 15000+ posts
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November 6th, 2012: Americas new Independence Day.
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Educator to comprehension impaired (JLA, that is you) 50000+ posts
Educator to comprehension impaired (JLA, that is you) 50000+ posts
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Educator to comprehension impaired (JLA, that is you) 50000+ posts
Educator to comprehension impaired (JLA, that is you) 50000+ posts
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One of my favorites is the part about the MAD HATTER guy, he would talk on those boards like a badass, but went running scared when he thought he might see one of the people he talked down to face to face, that was comedy gold!
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The conscience of the rkmbs! 15000+ posts
The conscience of the rkmbs! 15000+ posts
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I find it distressing that the DCMBs don't care that Athanon has shut down.  If only the knoll knobs still posted there.
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Headliner 200+ posts
Headliner 200+ posts
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You're one neuron short of a synapse!
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brother from another mother 15000+ posts
brother from another mother 15000+ posts
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devil-lovin' Bat-Man 15000+ posts
devil-lovin' Bat-Man 15000+ posts
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We should be recruiting youngsters at the DCMBs, if only to annoy rex.
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devil-lovin' Bat-Man 15000+ posts
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If I still had AIM I'd go into a public chatroom and drop the link. That's how I got PCG.
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Society's Discontent 6000+ posts
Society's Discontent 6000+ posts
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I’m out. I’m sorry, but if you can’t follow simple instructions like don’t go over there and post; just do reconnaissance, then there’s very little I can do to be effective as a leader.
I know you’re all pissed at them and want to get some measure of revenge and defend yourselves and the Insurgency, but so far as I can tell, nothing good has been accomplished by going back over there except to give them targets to aim at.
In a nutshell, my strategy was to let them burn themselves out on self congratulations and back patting for a couple of days while we took a breather ourselves and came up with a new plan of attack including a new board from which to congregate and attack.
As some of you know, I had my friend, Rick Poulin, sign up at a gay website called JustUsBoys as Britneyspearsatemyshorts and start posting some really nasty shit. He was going to recruit several of his friends and have them sign on as rex, Captain Sammitch, Joe Mama, and others and have basically a huge bukkake fest on Rob. I’m talking photos, the works.
I contacted Starman and he agreed to help us. He used to be a member of Rob’s boards but had no allegiance to them and basically called them all a bunch of pricks. Starman is an incredibly bright guy and would have run rings around any and every person they have there. He would have filleted them without them even knowing it.
I’ve been busy doing recon, trying to keep up with everyone and trying to remember the fucking passwords when I change computers. Additionally, I’ve been taking notes on what they’ve been saying and, no surprise here, it makes no sense. They jump on us for betraying our values (i.e. “breaking” us), but they did the EXACT same thing, and I don’t think we did betray our values. Here’s what I mean: They claim to be a board with complete and total free speech, yet the alter posts, delete sigs, delete posts and a host of other “censorship” related things. Absolutely NOTHING like that was done at the Insurgency. Other than needing a registration approval, nothing has changed at our boards and as you all know, the registration approval was truly due to the SpamBots and porn posts.
Additionally I’ve been compiling a list of things we need to hit them on. Their advantage is not solely in greater numbers, it’s because they all hammer on the exact same thing over and over and over. Here’s an example, apparently Rob is actually gay. So, as their leader, they’re subservient to a gay man? Don’t think they’d like that very much. POUND THEM ON THAT. Same as the paragraph above; according to their own rules, they “broke” themselves without our having to do a thing except post about them. POUND ON THEIR HYPOCRISY. That “rex” person is gender confused; everyone refers to him as a “guy” yet in a post he told me straight out that he’s a girl. They all rag on Snarf; join them. They’re Republicans. POUND THEM ON THE BUSH ADMINISTRATION.
They keep mentioning all the money we’re generating for Rob. WHO THE FUCK CARES? Tell them you’re there to support your friend and fellow Insurgent, whomod. Grab the moral highground. Challenge them as fathers/mothers or sons/daughters about how they would feel if the positions were turned. They tell you they couldn’t care less if someone made a post as “bsamsdaughter”; call them fucking liars and ask them what they do care about if it isn’t family? What, I ask you, is a good response to that? I don’t see one.
Sikk, Iggy, I’ve got absolutely NO idea what you hope to gain by infiltrating them. At some opportune moment they’re going to expose a weakness and you’ll pounce on the opportunity? IMHO that’s unlikely at best. Besides, that’s already been exposed as part of our plan.
You are NEVER going to win anything if you keep trying to address their each and every post individually. They’ve got you wandering around bumping into so many trees that you can’t even see the forest.
So, keep on doing whatever it is you’re doing. I’ll continue to support the effort and make my posts, keep I can’t lead people who won’t be led. I’m not going to dedicate the amount of time and effort I put in just to have everyone ignore it.
I literally spent two days last week in my office not working like I should have been, but doing my best to get things together. Now my project is behind schedule and I’ll probably have to have my ex keep my kids this weekend so I can catch up instead of being with them. On last Wednesday morning, the father of a friend of mine passed away. He was a brilliant theoretical physicist whose work was developing mathematical formulas to accurately determine the size of craters caused by various types of nuclear explosives. I’d only met him a few times, but he was obviously a genius and a dear man. In the Jewish religion we have a 7 day period of mourning called Shivah and I’ve been going back and forth between my house, my friend’s house, her mother’s house and my office and logging in from various computers to keep track while taking part in the minyan’s (12 Jewish men all praying for the dead at the same time). Instead of enjoying my three day weekend and doing things I intended to, I spent virtually every available minute posting or planning.
It just isn’t worth it anymore. Little victories are nice, but it’s not going to add up to enough to have much effect. Besides, I’m concerned over the inevitable retaliation at the Insurgency. If things had gone according to my plan, we would have split off from the Insurgency and attacked from a new place. My first priority has to be to the Insurgency boards.
I’m not mad or angry at anyone, so there’s no need to apologize or defend your actions.
I’ll see you out there as soon as I can.
Steve I think Martin and Steve should really get together some time.
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Inglourious Basterd!!! 15000+ posts
Inglourious Basterd!!! 15000+ posts
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Is this another Insurgent site? Guys, did you run them off again?
Uschi said:I won't rape you, I'll just fuck you 'till it hurts and then not stop and you'll cry. MisterJLA: RACKS so hard, he called Jim Rome "Chris Everett." In Him, all porn is possible. He is far above mentions in so-called "blogs." RACK him, lest ye be lost! "I can't even brush my teeth without gagging!" - Tommy Tantillo: Wank & Cry, heckpuppy, and general laughingstock
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fudge 4000+ posts
fudge 4000+ posts
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the insurgents...?
Weren't thost the guys who cared more about a messageboard raid than their family dying?
Racks be to MisterJLA
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Inglourious Basterd!!! 15000+ posts
Inglourious Basterd!!! 15000+ posts
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"Raid," Chant. It was a botched "raid." As opposed to when the Nature Boys (if they ever existed) raid another board.
Uschi said:I won't rape you, I'll just fuck you 'till it hurts and then not stop and you'll cry. MisterJLA: RACKS so hard, he called Jim Rome "Chris Everett." In Him, all porn is possible. He is far above mentions in so-called "blogs." RACK him, lest ye be lost! "I can't even brush my teeth without gagging!" - Tommy Tantillo: Wank & Cry, heckpuppy, and general laughingstock
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Kneel! 10000+ posts
Kneel! 10000+ posts
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didnt the insurgents just recently "raid" someone else? im sorta curious to see how they fucked that one up...
big_pimp_tim-made it cool to roll in the first damn place! Mon Jun 11 2007 09:27 PM- harley finally rolled with me "I'm working with him...he's young but, there is much potential. He can apprentice with me and then he's yours for final training. He will remember the face of his father... Some day, Knutreturns just may be the greatest of us all...."-THE bastard
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fudge 4000+ posts
fudge 4000+ posts
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well, obviously, but I assumed people would know what I meant
Racks be to MisterJLA
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The conscience of the rkmbs! 15000+ posts
The conscience of the rkmbs! 15000+ posts
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We should be recruiting youngsters at the DCMBs, if only to annoy rex. Well, we could make a big deal out of this thread: http://dcboards.warnerbros.com/web/thread.jspa?threadID=2000177227&tstart=15Start talking about it like it was a huge tragedy and make everyone confused enough to follow any links we drop.....Does that ever work?
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The conscience of the rkmbs! 15000+ posts
The conscience of the rkmbs! 15000+ posts
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1. The Comic Book Forum, which gradually became the only place worth visiting to me, had become an uninteresting sludgehole where people preferred to take part in the same repetitive banter that makes the entire board a huge self-referential inside joke rather than actually discuss things aside from how modern comics suck and all the creators are betraying pointless shit that happened decades ago.
2. The entire board is one big, stale self-referential inside joke.
3. MisterJLA, The G-Man, rex, and Wannabuyamonkey. They're ignorant, jingoistic parodies of themselves. A doodle of a Chinese man with bright yellow skin, 2334293084 children, an indecipherable accent, and a masturbatory love for Chairman Mao is less of a stereotype than these people. I refuse to share a common space with such wastes of sperm and egg. I've realized I don't hate republicans or Bush supporters. I just hate fucking assholes like them. Even people who should be agreeing with them can't because they're shitheads.
4. I've realized I have better things to do with my precious time than post on a message board. Like writing. Or homework. Or reading. Or looking at manga porn. Or, y'know, having a life.
5. I talk to most of the people I like from the boards on IM, with the exception of a few, like Dave.
6. I've found that I don't fit in with most of the people on the boards and merely just intervened in conversations to call everyone morons for their stupid, stupid opinions. Or to accuse others of Nazism.
7. I'm Disco Steve, the guy who's only known for saying "Heh" a lot because he has nothing worthwhile to say. Good riddance, I think. Off to new ventures, without being known for monosyllabic sarcastic-sounding laughter.
The End.
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Society's Discontent 6000+ posts
Society's Discontent 6000+ posts
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The conscience of the rkmbs! 15000+ posts
The conscience of the rkmbs! 15000+ posts
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I have seen a lot of strife in nearly 20 years of personal traffic on the Net, from 300-baud modems to broadband, from CompuServe to personal Bulletin Board Systems to AOL to Webbed discussion forums large and small. People have sniped, libeled, and threatened. Spam wars (heretofore only text) have abounded. Bad manners and imbicility have raged unchecked. I was mistakenly proclaimed to be dead, to all my on- and off-line friends, twice.
This situation tops them all in absurdity. No question about it.
I come back tonight to see that two sets of Netizens, both of them acting like cowards, have fought each other to a stalemate. With the emphasis on "stale."
One set is comprised of Rob's Board regulars who have taken it upon themselves to "enforce" what they've proclaimed as an ultimate "rule," about never deleting posts. Which, in the only time I've witnessed it from Kamphausen himself, had the distinct caveat about not doing it "unless it cannot be avoided." With discussion-disrupting spam, visual or not, it cannot be avoided.
You, the graffiti smearers, are each no more true to supposed principles -- or to sound judgments -- than any asshole punk with a can of spray paint on the subway at 3:00 in the morning. Try really looking in the mirror and deluding yourself into thinking otherwise.
And the other set is comprised, apparently, of three of the Legion board moderators (EDE apparently being absent), who took it upon themselves to respond to this by simply locking all the board's threads and leaving. Including those for many thriving and substantive discussions, and some such as trivia that were perking along with fun and whimsy. Thus trashing the place in their own way, and not giving a damn about a hundred or so other people who were coming to genuinely appreciate this venue -- and thought that the moderators would actually do their job.
You, the moderators who finally refused to do what they were chosen to do, were no more consistent than the cybertaggers to any notion of creating a valuable meeting place. And you have betrayed the trust of many people, those who voted for you and those who did not. You clearly didn't bother to bring all this up to Rob himself, to try to find a solution, before you locked the inner doors to the virtual LHQ house and bolted.
I am disgusted with both of you.
For letting this happen, though, knowing as he must the personalities in the first group, and not cautioning the new moderators in the second, I am putting the ultimate blame -- quite reluctantly -- on our host, Rob Kamphausen.
I fear that Rob is terminally naive -- the terminal state applying, in this instance, to LHQ, which is now dead, and unlikely to be revivable. "No rules" does not work. Rob should have anticipated that a situation like this would be likely to come along. Especially with it appearing that the Legion-fan refugees from the old DC boards were getting some special consideration, with this new Legion-focused section. Many of us thought it to be a practical move, but obviously that also was the core irritant for many of the regulars around here.
Well, it's Rob's property, by server use and Internet contracts. He has a right to, it seems, not give a damn about it. We who are left, on the other hand, should know when it's time to move on.
I, for one, had warmed greatly to this place and its vigor, in the month since Warner Bros. shut down the old UBB-software-based DC boards. It was promising in its ferment and friendliness. It was a place to continue contacts and mutual support, and it had great fruit hanging from the virtual trees, with art initiatives such as the Legion smilies and other promising threads.
Even some creators of distinction -- Steve Lightle, Dave Cockrum, perhaps others who hadn't yet done more than lurk -- had come over here. So what kind of children, in mental age, are they going to think inhabit Legion fandom now?
This was sad and dismaying, to lose this venue at about the one-month mark after the mass exodus from the older, friendlier DC boards. The degree of absurdity, as I said, is unique. Yet forums have vanished from under me before, and I'll be moving on.
LegionPics, LegionFiction, LMBP (all of these at Yahoo! Groups), and even the new and highly cumbersome DC boards, they all still offer contacts and discussion, and I'll be around on those venues. I'm likely to have some harsh words about this elsewhere, but we'll all get past that eventually, if there's anything more enduring to be kept in such on-line relationships ... and it's almost always to be found somewhere.
I'll tie up two loose threads from this unraveled fabric before I go out the door, since I had something to do with one of them at the end.
The poll about the Legion Substitutes, whether they should be part of the Legion Academy (11 votes) or an independent organization (9 votes), ended about an hour and a half ago. (The moderators didn't even care to stay to see that such a task was completed.)
And the last question, which I posed, in the Legion Trivia thread was: "Which snack did Dawnstar decline to eat, and who made it?" It was a cookie made by Star Boy's mother on Xanthu, "LSH" v3 n28.
This last is appropriate, speaking of cookies. I will now go to delete the cookies for RobKamphausen.com from my browser, along with the bookmark -- and along with much of my respect for him.
I won't be back. Not with someone as an ultimate host who -- with whatever degree, or not, of oversight and caring -- lets his own venue self-destruct. I do, again, thank him for providing this forum in the first place. On a night like this, however, such a thought doesn't at all make up for what has happened.
With this, my 138th and final post, I say: Good night, LHQ.
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devil-lovin' Bat-Man 15000+ posts
devil-lovin' Bat-Man 15000+ posts
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Right, now someone else say something like "I have a serious porn addiction but my computer filters porn sites. Where am I going to get boobie pics now that Athanon is closed? WHERE?!"
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devil-lovin' Bat-Man 15000+ posts
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"Your message was posted successfully, but there will be a short delay before it is viewable in the thread."
What is this silly shit?
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The conscience of the rkmbs! 15000+ posts
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You have to give the post a couple seconds as it filters through the mod's intestinal tract.
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devil-lovin' Bat-Man 15000+ posts
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The conscience of the rkmbs! 15000+ posts
The conscience of the rkmbs! 15000+ posts
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Finally, someone posted about Athanon!
The intrigue is building!!!
I'm gonna take a shower.
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devil-lovin' Bat-Man 15000+ posts
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cobra kai 15000+ posts
cobra kai 15000+ posts
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Just a By the By, Black people don't like it when non blacks refer to them as Negroes.
giant picture
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The conscience of the rkmbs! 15000+ posts
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Be nice...I am betting that the OP is a kid from out of the USA, where there are plenty of area that still call blacks negroes. 
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Educator to comprehension impaired (JLA, that is you) 50000+ posts
Educator to comprehension impaired (JLA, that is you) 50000+ posts
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devil-lovin' Bat-Man 15000+ posts
devil-lovin' Bat-Man 15000+ posts
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"Can you go somewhere else with this and stay of off the game threads. "
Well, that was rude.
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devil-lovin' Bat-Man 15000+ posts
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> I'm not black but I love teaching diversity to my > kids. One thing that I will do is read Superman > comics in a black voice to them, that way they get a > wide cultural experience with the comic.
WTF? Sorry if this seems contentious, but that is as stupid a thing as I've ever read.
Do you also do a Chinese and Pakistani version for them? What about greek? Not too many Greeks in comics last time I looked. And an Irish Superman would be good. 'Top o' the morning to ye, Lois. Fer sure...'
BTW is your impersonation of a black person any good? Who do you sound like? Eddie Murphy? Mr T ('Luthor? you don't wanna be messin wit me, foo...'), How about chris Rock?
Seriously, there are so many better things you could do to show your kids to promote positive images of other cultures than doing Superman sounding like Uncle Remus. What's wrong with an Irish Superman? Racist cunt.
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devil-lovin' Bat-Man 15000+ posts
devil-lovin' Bat-Man 15000+ posts
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> My dad just sent an email to the webmaster.
Tee-hee, I got that guy pissing himself.
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The conscience of the rkmbs! 15000+ posts
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Titanicexplorer, I really try to give everyone the benefit of the doubt. Ask Justin and Alan.
However, this stuff about teaching diversity to his children by reading to his children in a "black" voice is ridiculous. We Blacks sound differently. I've heard some Black people accused other Black people of sounding "White" (and that makes those Black people "ignorant" as far as I'm concerned). Besides, I can do a damn good impression of Mae West. Doesn't mean I sound "White".
If he wants to teach his children about diversity, let them interact with different people. Children have an incredible ability to learn about other children. Watch children of different nationalities at play. If the adults aren't interfering, the children are having a good time learning about each other.
Okay, African-American woman has had her rant.
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The conscience of the rkmbs! 15000+ posts
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I think you are full of crap. I have been looking for the better part of an hour and I can find nothing like you are saying.
BTW, I think you are a bloke.
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a man's signature quote is inversely proportionate to his cock size few posts
a man's signature quote is inversely proportionate to his cock size few posts
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[quote=Im Not Mister Mxyzptlk] What's wrong with an Irish Superman? Racist cunt.
Nothing per se wrong with the Irish. While their celtic blood isn't quite Nordic enough, atleast they don't go around inflating the voting box for their kind in MY COUNTRY! Last time they did, the white man gunned him down.
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The conscience of the rkmbs! 15000+ posts
The conscience of the rkmbs! 15000+ posts
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Dammit Mxy, now look at what you gone and done! > Hey jayna10 I bet you didn't know who said > exactly what you stated. About different children of > race playing together with no problems. It was > Clayton Moore as the Lone Ranger in a episode of The > Lone Ranger. Their was a story where the whites, > chinese & blacks were going at each other. At the > end, The Lone Ranger & Tonto said look at your kids > you might learn something. I,am white & grew up in a > all black neighborhood for certain parts of my > childhood. I still have black friends to this day. > One is one of my closest friends. Not only is he very > intelligent, but a really good business man & has > great people skills. This post is ignorant & just in > poor taste. I couldn't believe it was posted here. > Maybe, it truly wasn't meant as offensive. But the > way it was worded offends me as well. Peace! Mike
Hi Cmtheman! You're right about me not knowing Clayton Moore as the Lone Ranger saying that (and I should as I grew up watching The Lone Ranger).
My saying that is just from experience. When I was around 10 and living in Mississippi during the early 60s, my friends and I rode our bikes through Point Cadet. We were just looking for new places to ride.
Point Cadet was primarily White. We ran into a group of White kids riding their bikes. All of us children hooked up and rode all over the city of Biloxi that Sunday. We exchanged bikes and had a good time.
We never saw each other again, but to this day, I still remember how happy everyone was.
This is some grade a material--They weren't even trying.
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Educator to comprehension impaired (JLA, that is you) 50000+ posts
Educator to comprehension impaired (JLA, that is you) 50000+ posts
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why did DC delete the negro thread?
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devil-lovin' Bat-Man 15000+ posts
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Aw shit, the thread was deleted just as I clicked on it. I didn't get to read the last two pages.  The upside is that the guy I was talking about earlier is probably shitting himself now. What happened to the DCMBs? When I started posting there it seemed full of young people (plus the NBs), but now it's full of Beardguys.
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devil-lovin' Bat-Man 15000+ posts
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In fact, that Bearscout guy sounded a little too much like Beardguy so I checked out his Myspace to make sure. He's not Beardguy but, well, um Something absolutely horrible happened Current mood: numb Category: Pets and Animals
If you do not want to hear something heartbreaking, please, read no farther.
If you know me and my partner Andy, you know that we had a zoo down in FL. We had eight chuihuia's, a cat larger than all of the doggies. a cocketiel, a chinchilla, and a vietnamese pot bellied pig. We we moved from FL to PA last year, we had to leave most of them at Andy's ex's Mike Wingate, (Remember that name.) He had taken care of them for years, and we trusted him 100% to take care of them for a year until we got settled and found a place big enough for our 'kids'. We had been sending him 75$ a month to pay for pet food and supplies. Over the past year, he has been telling us that they were all okay.
He lied.
We found out last night, that the littlest dog Tyke ran away EIGHT MONTHS ago! He never posted any lost flyers, didn't check the S.P.C.A. anything! I hope and pray that my "lil tyke" was found by a loving person and has a better home now.
Over the past year, the mom and dad of them all, Elmo and Xoey both died from neglect. They were Andy's babies. He got them both as puppies. He delivered every single one of Xoey's puppies. All he can think about right now is what they were thinking as they died. He is torturing himself thinking that they thought he abandoned them. (I am sorry, tears are streaming down my face as I right this.) Okay...and one of the other kids Brownie died as well. Then we find out that both the Bird, and Nikita the Chinchilla had died as well.
I had taken care of all of these critters for over two years, and it killed me to leave them. We did bring one with us, Squirty. Now, the bird was older, and Nikita is a "rodent" so they do not live long lives, but everyone of our kids were happy and healthy last June when we left, and Mike Wingate as far as I am concerened murdered them. We are heading down to FL soon to rescue the rest of the puppies and the cat.
Please pray for us. You all know how hard it is to lose a pet. Imagine losing 6 in one day. Both Andy and I are are heartbroken and enraged. Honestly the reason why we are not down in FL right now, is that we would put him in the hospital. We need time to grieve, and time to let our rage diminish.
Bird, Nikita, Elmo, Xoey, Tyke, Brownie, I am so sorry I left you. I have missed you so much over the past year. I am so sorry you will never recieve the Christmas and Birthday Presents we sent you. I just pray to God that you are all in a better place.
I love each and every one of you.
 I don't feel guilty about laughing. It's his fault for making it so amusing.