Dammit Mxy, now look at what you gone and done!
> Hey jayna10 I bet you didn't know who said
> exactly what you stated. About different children of
> race playing together with no problems. It was
> Clayton Moore as the Lone Ranger in a episode of The
> Lone Ranger. Their was a story where the whites,
> chinese & blacks were going at each other. At the
> end, The Lone Ranger & Tonto said look at your kids
> you might learn something. I,am white & grew up in a
> all black neighborhood for certain parts of my
> childhood. I still have black friends to this day.
> One is one of my closest friends. Not only is he very
> intelligent, but a really good business man & has
> great people skills. This post is ignorant & just in
> poor taste. I couldn't believe it was posted here.
> Maybe, it truly wasn't meant as offensive. But the
> way it was worded offends me as well. Peace! Mike
Hi Cmtheman! You're right about me not knowing Clayton Moore as the Lone Ranger saying that (and I should as I grew up watching The Lone Ranger).
My saying that is just from experience. When I was around 10 and living in Mississippi during the early 60s, my friends and I rode our bikes through Point Cadet. We were just looking for new places to ride.
Point Cadet was primarily White. We ran into a group of White kids riding their bikes. All of us children hooked up and rode all over the city of Biloxi that Sunday. We exchanged bikes and had a good time.
We never saw each other again, but to this day, I still remember how happy everyone was.
This is some grade a material--They weren't even trying.