You really make it hard on us rational people to make valid points.
I don't share the same scorn for you as I have for Typhoon/Typhoid/Wanker-Dave, and the shit he hacks out on his keyboard in Australia.
But again, I don't see that you disproved as illogical any of the points I made in my first post to this topic.
I will agree with you on Wonder Boy being a sack of shit.
WB is also a moron, if you nuked Palestine you've nuked Israel.
If you read my post carefully, I don't call for the nuking of the Palestinian territories, I am figuratively saying that
there's no response by Israel that I would condemn in response to Palestinian attacks. Because the Palestinians, no matter what the Israelis are willing to negotiate or give up, will forever try to kill every last Jew in Israel, and cheer the deaths of even the most innocent in Israel and the West.
My point is that the Palestinians have brought this on themselves, and I have absolutely no sympathy for them.
Particularly after their evident (lack of) sympathy for us on 9-11.
Israel in the last 8 years has willingly given up 95% of the West Bank (except for defensive perimiters, to protect Israel, 100% of the West Bank, and 100%Southern Lebanon.
And 100% of the Sinai Desert, which Israel gave back to Egypt in 1982.
ALL these were areas Israel captured in 1956 and gave back in the interest of making peace, captured in 1967 and kept because history demonstrated it would be used to stage further attacks on Israel if they didn't keep them.
And now that Israel has given these lands up a second time to hostile Arabs, they are once again a staging point for attacks on Israel.
So again, I have no sympathy for the Palestinian aggressors and their children, who
they, the Palestinians put in harm's way, not Israel.
You may continue with your baseless insults now.
Or even offer a logical counterpoint, if you are so inclined. I won't hold my breath.