Originally Posted By: BASAMS The Plumber
No one but Wonder Boy is portraying all Palestinians as evil. But the fact is the majority of them voted for a terrorist organization as their leadership.

What I actually said previously:

 Originally Posted By: WB (directed at Wanker Amongst Daves)
Virtually all those boys and women that you voice sympathy for are or aspire to be suicide bombers, or strongly support the terrorist activity of others among their fellow Palestinians, with funding, active or passive support, or at the very least cheer the murdering of innocent men, women and children of Israel. They are in complete solidarity in agression toward Israel in every form.

As well as supporting the murder of innocent men women and children of any Western or non-muslim state.
And for that matter, support murder of other muslims as well, who don't ascribe to their particular brand of Islamic fanaticism.

Not 100% certainly, but certainly the vast majority of Palestinians. But in any case, far too much of a majority to portray them as "innocents" regarding the attacks on Israel.

I actually think we're largely in agreement on that, BSAMS. I don't understand why you feel a need to rip on me for making virtually the same point you did, with a different choice of words.