I do have sympathy for those that are being used by Hamas, not the ones who aren't or those who voted for Hamas. I understand innocents get killed in war, I take no joy in it.
I hope you're not implying I take joy in it either.
Israel could turn the West Bank and Gaza into two twin nuclear craters, and I wouldn't complain. (It was only the threat of Arafat to the camera crews taking these pictures that stopped this footage despite that Palestinian thousands kept on cheering.)
These people are so bloodthirsty, they deserve the worst that can be done to them.
I don't know why I made that implication.
I think before you even make the insinuation, you can see that I am declaring absolute support for Israel in defending itself from aggressors, not taking pleasure in the Palestinian aggressors being slaughtered.
All that you can fairly read into what I said is that I support Israel 100% in its self-defense from clear Palestinian aggression, and that the Palestinians have brought it on themselves.
Which --in variant words-- is exactly what you said as well.