Jin is no more subplot than any of the other main survivors. So much of the early episodes featured prominent back story on him, and Sun, to the point that their story was just as important as Jack or Sawyer etc. In fact, the simple fact that Sun was picked as one of the Oceanic six, cements that both she and Jin are critical to the story, just as we also have the whole is he or isnt he dead story, still hanging over us.
Jacob on the hand, is purely a plot device at this moment, not a central character.
I wouldnt call Charles Widmore a main character either, and he is just as much of an important character as Jacob at the moment.
that's an excellent question, nowhereman. to address this, let's review some of the earlier posts in this conversation, and see if we can find answers within:
Originally Posted By: Rob Kamphausen
there are 5 "J" names associated with some main male characters on the show
now you'll notice i mentioned key, defining words like "some" as well as "male" in an effort to lighten the load on the theory.
now, if you'd like to include some slightly lesser characters like jin, or maybe female characters whose names start with a letter really close to J in the alphabet, like kate, then we can evolve into a new theory that you and i share with one another. we'll always have this theory together, just the two of us!!!
i was going to propose that theory, but now i'm afraid you'll get all upset over that one, too. ...maybe even start pointing out that some people on the show, and some people that you know in real life, don't have hair.
BTW, this has probably been touched on before, but does anyone find it a little odd--if not off-putting--that, at this point, Ben is practically the show's lead character/hero?
Originally Posted By: Nowhereman
Well seeing as he is the nucleus around which pretty much everything revolves, then no, I dont find int odd or off putting at all. Plus, theres always the factor that whatever he is doing, he does for his own reasons, and isnt always doing what you actually think he is doing.
Ben is all about manipulation, so I think its perfect that he has become the focal point of the show.
Understood. However it isn't just a greater focus on Ben. It's as if he received a personality transplant. He went from "mysterious evil mastermind" to "sort of nice guy" (ex: his expressions of sympathy in the butcher shop for Jack; the way he's now speaking to characters in general) seemingly overnight.
In a way, they seem to be writing his character's personality more like Locke's (of course that might be intentional as I still suspect that he and Locke are actually related).
I think the changes in personality has been one of teh key factors of the show. Locke went from being cool, to being a total nutjob cunt. Sawyer went from selfish and cocky, to heroic and cocky. Jack went from stoic leader, to paranoid drunk.
I think one of the things we are seeing with the characters, is the same we have seen with everything, and thats to never take things at face value or on first impression.
I do maintain though, that even when Ben shows sympathy, there is usually a reason for it, and its usually based on his manipulation of people.
I think the changes in personality has been one of teh key factors of the show. Locke went from being cool, to being a total nutjob cunt. Sawyer went from selfish and cocky, to heroic and cocky. Jack went from stoic leader, to paranoid drunk.
I'd disagree with you about Locke being a total nutjob. That's clearly him responding to the 'truth' about the Island and, in fact, he might actually be one of the sanest people on the show.
However, even if we accept that his characterization is that of "nutjob," it-along with the other personality changes you list-come across as organic and gradual responses to the time on the island and the discovery of what is really happening/has happened.
In Ben's case, however, it just seemed to switch overnight with no explanation. Especially since, unlike the others you mention, he has been aware of the truth about the island-and Widdemore-for nearly his whole life.
However, given the nature of the show and how time works on it, etc., I'm willing to keep an open mind about what's happening. And, in fact, as you note:
even when Ben shows sympathy, there is usually a reason for it, and its usually based on his manipulation of people.
The reason behind Locke being a nutjob, is that he went from being a guy who wanted to help people, to someone who is willing to put other people at risk, just so he can find out the truth. The way he killed Naomi, for instance, was not something the Locke of the earliest episodes would have done.
But Locke was one of the few people who understood that Naomi was working for Widdemore and was really there to help kill everyone on the Island. So by killing her he was, in fact, trying to save everyone.
But Locke was one of the few people who understood that Naomi was working for Widdemore and was really there to help kill everyone on the Island. So by killing her he was, in fact, trying to save everyone.
Not 100% true. So far, only Keamy was intent on killing them. The rest of Widdemores team dont seem too intent on killing everyone, so to kill Naomi before she has shown one way or another what her intentions were, are not the workings of a totally sane man.
He died so he could be a big hollywood star again. Just look at all his recent movies.
Actually, the decision wasn't Monaghan's. The producers decided to kill him off because they didn't think there was much more they could do with the character.
He died so he could be a big hollywood star again. Just look at all his recent movies.
Actually, the decision wasn't Monaghan's. The producers decided to kill him off because they didn't think there was much more they could do with the character.
i like that, in the linked article, you can actually see they're sorta making up the story as they go along. only pieces, of course, but pretty significant ones. with a show like this, i always wondered how much was planned and already decided and how much they're just like "aww... fuck it".
still, i don't understand why the guy couldn't... y'know... just not be in the water room.
i liked tonight's episode. it actually had the "puzzle pieces coming together" kinda feel to it that the creators have been promising. sure, i still dunno what the fuck is going on, but it was cool to see all of the connections to storylines starting to take hold.
He died so he could be a big hollywood star again. Just look at all his recent movies.
Actually, the decision wasn't Monaghan's. The producers decided to kill him off because they didn't think there was much more they could do with the character.
i like that, in the linked article, you can actually see they're sorta making up the story as they go along. only pieces, of course, but pretty significant ones. with a show like this, i always wondered how much was planned and already decided and how much they're just like "aww... fuck it".
still, i don't understand why the guy couldn't... y'know... just not be in the water room.
just open the door and close it behind you! stupid friggin hobbit!