People have died in this storm. Quite a few. A life is a life. The fact that the lives in Katrina were in a heavy left leaning city of course makes it more tragic for you. I have the same sympathies for people no matter geography and political leanings. I find it nice that the Bush bashers aren't out in force over Obama having the same reaction to this ice storm as Bush did to Katrina. Doc and others have noted how they did for themselves in that storm and survived, same as most people here. A lot of people in Katrina waited for government help and paid the price. Just because people here have done for themselves doesn't mean they are any less important than the people who sat on their hands during their disaster.
Loss of life from the ice storm and even all the property damge is tragic to me bsams. As I noted previously I'm personally happy for you that this didn't do much more than inconvenience you for a day or two and your an avid Obama hater. It still doesn't make it equal to Katrina. Way more people died and many had no homes or a business to go to the next day.
If I had set in my house without electricity and waited for the government to save me I and my children would have been dead. Same with many people in this area. It wasn't an inconvenience finding shelter and heat, it was a life and death situation, but as I said, we took it upon ourselves to get what we needed to survive. The technocrats made such a big deal about the slow response to Katrina, but had everyone in this area drove to the ballpark and waited for helicopters to come save us, we would have died as well.
Were their people that died in Katrina that couldn't have saved themselves? Of course there was, same with this storm. But here there could have been an equal amount had they not took initiative. The technocrats acted as if the President was God and with one fell swoop could have saved everyone including those who were stupid enough to stay in a city below sea level with a hurricane bearing down on them. If they believed Bush had such power, why cant Obama save everyone in this insignificant(in your opinion) storm?