Originally Posted By: thedoctor
 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
 Originally Posted By: thedoctor

Hopefully, Obama will 're-educate' you with one of his many 'summer retreat' camps to teach you not to be so heartless about other people's misery.

It was a really bad ice storm but in scope of damage and loss of life it's not another Katrina. And I do feel bad that bsams had a couple days where he was inconvenienced but I'm also relieved he's got a home that he's already back in.

Listen, I'm giving you shit in this thread just to give you shit just like I do everyone else on this board. But I've got to say that BSAMS at least had a point to his other thread. I've, unfortunately, had to live through an ice storm in the past too. You have many of the same problems as you do with a hurricane but replace the hot, humid post-hurricane climate with a bitter, freezing one and add slick as shit roads that you can't drive on. The fact of the matter is that anytime the National Guard gets called out it's a pretty serious situation. Just because BSAMS is doing fine doesn't mean that this whole thing can just be brushed off. I know that the media hasn't stopped all coverage of other news to tell you about the horrible conditions of black people caught in the storm. I know that Sean Penn hasn't loaded down a snowmobile with his entourage and PR guy in a failed attempt to save the lives of those stuck in the cold. I know that Kanye West hasn't gone on national TV to say that Obama hates black people because he hasn't done anything to help. But it has happened, and people's lives are still in jeopardy.

If the amount of lives lost came even close to approaching Katrina levels you would have had similar reporting. Last count for the ice storm I saw was under 50, Katrina had over 1800. Some comparisons can be made as you could with any diseaster but you guys are ignoring that Katrina was far far worse by any measure. To pretend that doesn't play into the level of reporting something is just unrealistic.

Fair play!