Originally Posted By: BASAMS The Plumber
 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
 Originally Posted By: rex
 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
That wasn't an option for many that got caught in Katrina.

Yes it was. They could have gotten out of the way and not killed. The great "tragedy" of katrina is that is showed just how pathetic some people really are. They sat there and died because the government didn't knock on their door and rescue them. Those are the true losers. The ones who have completely given up on independent thought.

Sure if they had evacuated before the storm hit they would have been safe, just like I'm sure bsams would have moved his family out of harms way before the roads got treacherous if he had known just how bad the ice storm was going to be. After Katrina hit, alot of people didn't have the option bsams had though.

I forgot, Bush ordered the National Guard was shooting any black people trying to evacuate. Sorry whomod, my memory isn;t so good.

I was thinking more of the massive flooding that made driving to a shelter not an option for many.

Fair play!