Originally Posted By: the G-man of Zur-En-Arrh
I feel sorry for Joe Biden. If Obama wins, which is probably what is going to happen, Senator Biden will soon find himself the butt of VP jokes to a level not experienced since Dan Quayle...Poor bastard. He'll end up in the history books, not as a fairly well respected, albeit liberal partisan, Senator. He'll end up a clownish sidekick to the first Black President.

Did Obama Throw Biden Under the Bus? Obama had a difficult time answering a question last night about his VP: 'You know,' Obama said, 'I don't remember exactly what Joe was referring to ... not surprisingly.'

Nobody's safe from the Obama bus: not Rev. Wright, not his racist white grandmother, not even his Vice President.

Well, maybe Bill Ayers. He's just a guy from the neighborhood.

Still, I'm surprised my prediction is coming true this quickly. Obama hasn't been president a month yet and he's already setting up Biden as a scapegoat.