I guess Promod paid his cable bill and MSNBC is coming in loud and clear again.

But, seriously, if Promod took off his partisan blinders and took the time to read the article and look at the context, the point here is that Obama is taking the use of teleprompters to an uprecedented level for either party.

Instead of just using it to read speeches, he will have his staff feed him answers to questions at press conferences and, in fact, they may even use it to tell him which reporters to call on to ask questions.

There was an unsubstantiated rumor that Bush did this during a debate in 2004 and the left (and some segments of the press) went nuts. They claimed it was proof that Bush was a dunce and a puppet.

Now, however, the current President wants to do it and the response from the left and the press is a giant shrug.