So what's MEM saying? That all those interviews with Michelle Obama on network TV have nothing to do with the fact her husband is running for President?
G-man you have to admit the media has always been interested in interviewing the thousands of people pulling down sweet salaries on hospital boards, it's a national obsession.
Good point, BSAMS. I forgot the dozens of press stories every week about wealthy middle aged black women who like to talk about how they've never been proud of this country until this year.
So what's MEM saying? That all those interviews with Michelle Obama on network TV have nothing to do with the fact her husband is running for President?
No. I said Biden's wife wasn't part of the ticket. You do understand she's not on the ticket don't you?
I, for one, am really surprised to find MEM splitting hairs and making meaningless distinctions to justify the Democrat Pary interfering with the "free press." Normally he's so quick to break ranks with his own party when they commit a transgression that violates his core beliefs.
I, for one, am really surprised to find MEM splitting hairs and making meaningless distinctions to justify the Democrat Pary interfering with the "free press." Normally he's so quick to break ranks with his own party when they commit a transgression that violates his core beliefs.
Sorry but I can't take you to seriously when your vp candidate has to "go rogue" to speak to anyone in the press because the McCain campaign is so afraid she'll screw it up. You can argue Biden's wife should be held to a tougher standard but I'll laugh at you.
Not Biden's wife, Obama's campaign. They are the one's who blacklisted the station.
The campaign official said that it was unlikely that there would be any future interviews with that station for the duration of the campaign. That's barely a week & it was unlikely to get anymore anyway because America is a big place if you didn't know.
What chance does any station have of a Palin interview? Are they blacklisting the whole country?
Not Biden's wife, Obama's campaign. They are the one's who blacklisted the station.
The campaign official said that it was unlikely that there would be any future interviews with that station for the duration of the campaign. That's barely a week & it was unlikely to get anymore anyway because America is a big place if you didn't know.
What chance does any station have of a Palin interview? Are they blacklisting the whole country?
Just remember all this when a few weeks into the presidency they get questions they don't like and you see a similar response.
A response we'll never hear about because no one will dare report on it.
Actually, I was thinking about this earlier tonight and I feel sorry for Joe Biden. If Obama wins, which is probably what is going to happen, Senator Biden will soon find himself the butt of VP jokes to a level not experienced since Dan Quayle.
The press, being the press, will need to report bad news. That's what they do. They also need to report about politicians saying and doing stupid things.
However, the Demcocrats will control both the Presidency and Congress. Therefore, there won't be that many Republicans to write about.
Obviously, the press won't dare criticize Obama. Between their fears of looking racist and their own open biases toward the candidate there's too much risk. Similarly, if they go after Pelosi, they look sexist.
That leaves two old white men: Harry Reid and Joe Biden. Reid's as dull as toast, whereas Biden is prone to wild statements and funny gaffes, not to mention the odd racist statement or two.
The press is going to need someone to kick around in DC and, in likelihood, it'll end up being Joe Biden.
Poor bastard. He'll end up in the history books, not as a fairly well respected, albeit liberal partisan, Senator. He'll end up a clownish sidekick to the first Black President.
Just remember all this when a few weeks into the presidency they get questions they don't like and you see a similar response.
I read the "questions" the reporter asked. If Palin was ever allowed to answer questions & recieved similarly phrased questions even I would think they were unfair.
Just remember all this when a few weeks into the presidency they get questions they don't like and you see a similar response.
I read the "questions" the reporter asked. If Palin was ever allowed to answer questions & recieved similarly phrased questions even I would think they were unfair.
Well, of course it would be unfair to ask Palin if she thought HER running mate was a Marxist. Unlike Obama, there's no basis in fact on which to even ask it.
Just remember all this when a few weeks into the presidency they get questions they don't like and you see a similar response.
I read the "questions" the reporter asked. If Palin was ever allowed to answer questions & recieved similarly phrased questions even I would think they were unfair.
Well, of course it would be unfair to ask Palin if she thought HER running mate was a Marxist. Unlike Obama, there's no basis in fact on which to even ask it.
Returning the tax codes back to where they were when Clinton was in office doesn't make Obama a Marxist. The very wealthy will still be very wealthy. If it works like it did when Clinton was in we'll have a stronger economy that the wealthy will benefit from.
The blogosphere is buzzing about this video posted on YouTube Sunday night. It’s Barack Obama musing about how best to redistribute wealth in America in a Chicago Public Radio interview in 2001.
Not whether, but how: Through the courts or through legislation?
A caller asks The One to explain how he would do “reparative economic work.” Obama gives the legislative route two thumbs up as his preferred method of “breaking free of the constraints” placed by the founding fathers in the Constitution and then burbles about cobbling together the “actual coalition of powers through which you bring about redistributive change.”
STACLU has transcribed the choice parts of the interview.
If you look at the victories and failures of the civil rights movement and its litigation strategy in the court. I think where it succeeded was to invest formal rights in previously dispossessed people, so that now I would have the right to vote. I would now be able to sit at the lunch counter and order as long as I could pay for it I’d be o.k. But, the Supreme Court never ventured into the issues of redistribution of wealth, and of more basic issues such as political and economic justice in society. To that extent, as radical as I think people try to characterize the Warren Court, it wasn’t that radical. It didn’t break free from the essential constraints that were placed by the founding fathers in the Constitution, at least as its been interpreted and Warren Court interpreted in the same way, that generally the Constitution is a charter of negative liberties. Says what the states can’t do to you. Says what the Federal government can’t do to you, but doesn’t say what the Federal government or State government must do on your behalf, and that hasn’t shifted and one of the, I think, tragedies of the civil rights movement was, um, because the civil rights movement became so court focused I think there was a tendancy to lose track of the political and community organizing and activities on the ground that are able to put together the actual coalition of powers through which you bring about redistributive change. In some ways we still suffer from that.
In Obama’s America, we’ll finally be able to break free of the “constraints that were placed by the founding fathers in the Constitution” — and in so doing, achieve “social justice” through “redistributive change.”
Yeah, when a Presidential candidate seriously talks about needing the federal government to, in essence, ignore "the constraints" of the Constitution, that's chilling.
We're not talking "George Bush joking he wished he could be a dictator for a day." We're not even talking "illegal wiretapping that gets shut down by the court."
We're talking about Benito Mussolini and "as long as I get the trains to run who cares if I'm a dictator" shit.
I feel sorry for Joe Biden. If Obama wins, which is probably what is going to happen, Senator Biden will soon find himself the butt of VP jokes to a level not experienced since Dan Quayle...Poor bastard. He'll end up in the history books, not as a fairly well respected, albeit liberal partisan, Senator. He'll end up a clownish sidekick to the first Black President.
Did Obama Throw Biden Under the Bus? Obama had a difficult time answering a question last night about his VP: 'You know,' Obama said, 'I don't remember exactly what Joe was referring to ... not surprisingly.'
Nobody's safe from the Obama bus: not Rev. Wright, not his racist white grandmother, not even his Vice President.
Well, maybe Bill Ayers. He's just a guy from the neighborhood.
Still, I'm surprised my prediction is coming true this quickly. Obama hasn't been president a month yet and he's already setting up Biden as a scapegoat.
At some point Obama will blame Gates for all the defense department woes that he is implementing, or Gates will grow some balls and resign when Obama's pacifying terrorist shtick wears him down.
How can the public know that the money is allocated correctly? That's the question CBS's Maggie Ordonez asked.
"We're going to put every bit of this transparently up on a website. You're gonna know. You'll be able to go on a website. Every single bit of this will be on a website," he explained.
What website?
"You know, I'm embarrassed. Do you know the website number?" he asked looking offstage. "I should have it in front of me and I don't. I'm actually embarrassed."
He was able to get the website "number" from someone off camera.
" It's It's up and running," he said with newfound confidence.
Remember when the center-left media told us McCain was an idiot because his war injuries made it difficult to use email?
Not Biden's wife, Obama's campaign. They are the one's who blacklisted the station.
The campaign official said that it was unlikely that there would be any future interviews with that station for the duration of the campaign. That's barely a week & it was unlikely to get anymore anyway because America is a big place if you didn't know.
What chance does any station have of a Palin interview? Are they blacklisting the whole country?
Just remember all this when a few weeks into the presidency they get questions they don't like and you see a similar response.
I think we've seen that prediction fulfulled abundantly.
Vice President Joe Biden was in his element this afternoon as he joined former Congressional colleagues to trumpet funding for passenger rail in the stimulus funding. Saying he’s in the top five of Amtrak riders of all time, the former Delaware senator said the system has been “left out much too long” in the nation’s transportation plans, despite claims that it is over-subsidized.
A number of the senators who spoke made light of their former colleague’s promotion to Vice President, with his former longtime aide Ted Kaufman, now serving in his old seat, joking that he has to think twice before he addresses Biden. Biden himself joked that for the first time, his senators have no choice but to listen to him speak. “My speech will take no longer than 60 minutes,” he promised.
So comfortable with the group was Biden that he was heard using the f-word a little too close to the open mic as he greeted them. Of course, his predecessor was caught doing the same, but in a more negative context.
Yeah, funny how it was horrible when Cheney did it, but when Biden does it, suddenly it's endearing and humanizing.
WASHINGTON (AP) — With President Barack Obama absent, Vice President Joe Biden poked fun at his boss' do-no-wrong reputation during an annual white-tie gathering of journalists and government officials.
Obama was the first president in decades not to attend the Gridiron Club dinner during his first year in office. He spent the weekend at Camp David with his family, skipping the Saturday night event because he was busy preparing for Easter, Biden said.
"He thinks it's about him," Biden said of the holiday.
“You know, I never realized just how much power Dick Cheney had until my first day on the job. I walked into my office, and you know how the outgoing president always leaves the incoming president a note in his desk? I opened my drawer and Dick Cheney had left me Barack Obama’s birth certificate."
They say that late-night comics are having a hard time making fun of President Obama. If that’s the case, maybe Letterman, Leno, and Ferguson should pay attention to a wacky new comedian who proved today that it could be done.
The comedian’s name? Joe Biden.
What the…
The odds were good for a gaffe-free speech. Really. It was a safe crowd. The vice president’s remarks were already written and approved. All he had to do was read it.
Nope. Never that simple…
Biden, with the help of Mother Nature, managed to make his own special brand of news today when delivering the commencement address at the Air Force Academy.
Apparently it was windy. So windy that one of Biden’s teleprompters blew over.
Two choices
So at this point, the vice president had two options. He could ignore it and proceed to give his speech (after all, one was still functional), or he could call attention to it by making a joke at the president’s expense.
Guess which option the vice president took?
Rough day
The Colorado Springs Gazette reports that it didn’t seem to be a great day for him anyway. According to the paper, Biden “didn’t get much love from the crowd” while delivering his speech.
One of the three times that he did receive spontaneous applause, however, was when he made fun of his boss. That’s when the teleprompter blew over.
“What am I going to tell the president?” Biden asked the crowd. “Tell him his teleprompter is broken? What will he do then?”
A clarification from Biden’s office has yet to be released…
Biden Mistakenly Claims New Hudson River Tunnel Project Will Accomodate Cars: Vice President Biden, on a conference call Monday with reporters, claimed that the planned Hudson River tunnel between New Jersey and Midtown Manhattan would provide a much-anticipated route for automobiles. Problem is, it's for trains.