I think he's bigger than in the comic. They probably put the standard Michelangelo/David penis and then when the actor saw it he was like "Hey! What? No! Make it bigger! Come on! Please."

Good: Some bits with Rorschach in the jail. Dan Dreiberg is spot on. GREAT soundtrack choices. The ending makes as much if not more sense than the one in the comic, for what it's worth (I knew they changed it but I avoided reading the specifics til now). Most of the changes are for the better.

I also liked Hollis Mason (he's a little more Clint Eastwood-ish than in the comic), but he only shows up for like three minutes.

Bad: I didn't like The Comedian. Dr. Manhattan's voice can be annoying. Ozymandias, an otherwise great actor, talks like a Smallville villain from the beginning. Tooooo muuuuuuch sloooooow motionnnnnnnn. I hate Zack Snyder's directing style. Everything's got to be big and loud and dramatic, which makes the plot and the dialogue seem silly. The script is great but instead of being so stylized, it could have used some of the realism from Dark Knight. This dude should be directing Youngblood, not Watchmen. In fact, sign me up for that. Especially if he includes Obama.

ALSO, the incidental music! ARRGHH! I think the movie would be 40% better (Hollywood would be 40% better) if they didn't have crappy disposable instrumental music drowning any chance of an atmosphere.

All the dark, violent and sexy parts are there (amplified), but there's little in between. That's not entirely true, but I like the way it sounds. But it IS mostly true. Rorschach's child kidnapper scene, for example, is shown almost completely out of context, making it pretty much pointless. I knew what was going on and what the importance of the scene was because I've read the comic, but for most people it's just gonna be like "lookitme im so dark!".

I felt like that for most of the movie. Dan and Laurie are pretty relateable, but I don't think people are gonna give a shit for any of the others. I'm not a very good judge of what people like, but I think this is gonna bomb. Hopefully I'm wrong.

I probably won't be watching this again until the director's cut comes out.