This weeks episode was originally going to be shown last week and I'm really hoping that explains some of last weeks episodes bad points. Mainly why Kate didn't have Aaron or that odd scene with Jack grandfather, who as far as I know hasn't been on the show until now.
November 6th, 2012: Americas new Independence Day.
Jin could be in the present. He finds the van,gets it running,puts on some old Dharma clothes for something clean to wear, and drives around the Island for who knows how long.
or, maybe the survivors left on the island restarted the dharma initiative in the three years since jack and company left. and, because the original doctor is now gone, and dharma needed an asian guy, jin said he'd help out!
BTW, speaking of Desmond, you don't supposed Ben's "loose end" was killing Penny (as he threatened to Whidmore) before heading back to the Island do you? If so, that would explain why Desmond goes back.
the recap episode with the "pop up video" text indicated that ben's "tying up loose ends" was indeed a reference to his promise to mr. whitmore (which is kinduva decent-sized reveal for text! ...which now makes me think thats not what happened!) don't supposed Ben's "loose end" was killing Penny (as he threatened to Whidmore) before heading back to the Island do you? If so, that would explain why Desmond goes back.
That would royally suck if true, by the way. The Desmond/Penny thing was the one part of the show I was really hoping had come/would come to a happy ending.
Damn. I'm sort of watching the "pop up" re-run of last week's episode and they just said the "loose end" was Ben's promise to kill Penny. Hope he didn't succeed.
Last edited by the G-man of Zur-En-Arrh; 2009-02-2612:23 AM. Reason: Rob and I posted at the same time.
now, in lost switcheroo fashion, is it still possible that ben was doing the right thing? like, maybe the island has heaven-like laws, with which you can't enter via suicide?
or, was this finally the definitive "you are the bad guy!" moment?
now, in lost switcheroo fashion, is it still possible that ben was doing the right thing? like, maybe the island has heaven-like laws, with which you can't enter via suicide?
That's quite possible, actually. Look at Michael. The island wouldn't let him kill himself.
or, was this finally the definitive "you are the bad guy!" moment?
I dunno. Mrs G and I were discussing the episode and I (in true comic book nerd fashion) drew the analogy (which made her roll her eyes) that, for all we know, the Widdemore-Ben conflict is basically what would happen if, say, Dr Doom and Lex Luthor were at war. At some points, you might want Doom on your side, at other points Lex. But, in the end, they're BOTH evil.
now, in lost switcheroo fashion, is it still possible that ben was doing the right thing? like, maybe the island has heaven-like laws, with which you can't enter via suicide?
That's quite possible, actually. Look at Michael. The island wouldn't let him kill himself.
the replay episode just reminded me that jack couldn't commit suicide, also.
and alexis noticed this -- in the scenes where john is about to hang himself, there are two odd zooms on his foot in the cast. both shots make it look like he only has four toes, just like the still-unexplained statue on the island.
While watching the episode I was sure Horace was Ben's dad, cause as I said before I get him mixed up with Roger. So, while watching, a lot of times I thought "wow, he really does sound like Ben sometimes". What if Ben's mom cheated on Roger with Horace? Or was Ben born outside the island? I can't remember.
Rupert Alpert = RA? (he's got the eyeliner and all)
Horace = HORUS?
The smoke monster apparently has some precedent in Greek and Egyptian mythology too, as the god Typhon or SET. (I'd cut and paste what the guy said but it's in Spanish.)
I still think the island is a remnant of Atlantis. In most mythos/pseudo-history circles Atlantis is the civilization that spread culture to the Egyptians, southeast asians, mayans, norse, greeks, if my theory is correct you will see more than just Egyptian type coincedences/hints...IMO.
You should start seeing mayan religiosity such as the island needing a sacrifice in Locke...blah, blah, blah.
I don't think the story revolves around reincarnation, but it may.
I'm also wondering why the exit portal point from the cave is in Tunisia...unless it is some Atlantis/Egyptian link.
big_pimp_tim-made it cool to roll in the first damn place! Mon Jun 11 2007 09:27 PM-harley finally rolled with me "I'm working with him...he's young but, there is much potential. He can apprentice with me and then he's yours for final training. He will remember the face of his father...
Some day, Knutreturns just may be the greatest of us all...."-THE bastard
I still think it looks more like Anubis. Horus doesn't have dog ears.
...though (I don't really know and am too lazy to wiki it) Horus probably has something to do with time, so he'd be more appropriate for a giant statue in the island.
They usually skip a week for whatever reasons. Is there something else on tonight I don't know about? They're showing a repeat in the normal time slot.
November 6th, 2012: Americas new Independence Day.