Just got back from seeing it. Very, very, good.

Rorshach, Dan and the Comedian were all excellent. Doc and Laurie were good. The only weak link was Ozymandias. Casting someone who looked and sounded like a Eurotrash villain out of a "Die Hard" movie made it obvious who the 'bad guy' was early on, even to people like Mrs G who haven't read the book.

The special effects (with the exception of the Nixon makeup and Bubastis) were all outstanding.

The changed ending didn't really bother me.

The movie went along at good clip. I didn't notice the running time. Obviously some things had to be sacrificed to make the book into a movie.

Overall, I thought the music choices were done well and mirrored the song lyrics in the book. If there was a quibble (and I suppose it was a rights thing), I wished they'd used Roy Orbison's version of "the Comedians" (originally written by Elvis Costello) at the funeral instead of "Sounds of Silence."

A lyric from "the Comedians" was the closing quote of that chapter of the book and it seemed a bit off to have a different song there.

  • And I'm up while the dawn is breaking
    Even though my heart is aching
    I should be drinking a toast
    To absent friends
    Instead of these comedians