Originally Posted By: Im Not Mister Mxyzptlk
Another plot hole was that Dan tells Laurie that the Manhattan cancer connection makes no sense because SHE doesn't have cancer, but how would he know that for sure just by looking at her? In the comic she's screened when they kick her out of the complex, but that's not shown in the movie. This probably won't be a problem in the extended cut, though.

See I didn't catch that(I've read the comic and filled in the blanks subconsciously), but my wife did(who hasn't read it) she asked how do they know she doesnt have cancer?

I heard a lot of mumbling and grumbling in the theater as people just couldnt follow it, I think the director didnt look at it as someone who hasnt read the book when he did the cuts.

There were quite a few points where my wife had questions and I had answers only becasue I read the book.