Originally Posted By: BASAMS The Plumber
 Originally Posted By: Im Not Mister Mxyzptlk
 Originally Posted By: BASAMS The Plumber
Something that struck me as a weak plot point was the ending even though I liked it better that the alien squid. If you nuked NY and the other major cities there wouldn't be world peace and certainly not a newspaper pining for something to write about. Most likely there would be utter chaos. Possibly the biggest port in the nation and center of the financial world. Most likely the country would be in a socio-economic meltdown that would be difficult to recover from.

I'm not sure about the movie, but in the comic only part of the city gets destroyed by the squid.

in the movie it appeared the whole city was flattened.

To make matters worse, as the ending progressed they needed to show huge swaths of the city NOT being flattened (Dan's apartment, New Frontiersman office, etc.) even though the previous shots made it look like about a ten mile radius had gone up.

Obviously they fell into the "the bigger the explosion the cooler the shot" trap and didn't think through how that would affect the rest of the story.

Still, that's hardly an uncommon flaw in action/sci-fi movies so I gave it a pass.