I think the big difference there is that the alien attack was sposed to suggest that the whole world would believe the aliens would not differncitate between one country and another, where as with Al-Qaida, not every country would view them as a threat to them, plus the knowledge of this terrorist organisation was not something unknown to them where as the alien came totally out of left field.

I don't disagree with any of this. I was just pointing out that an argument could be made that the writers of the movie were justified in thinking that 9/11 had rendered the original ending "obsolete."

I think the alien being uniting the world was somewhat idealistic, but to me, made more sense than the Manhattan devastation.
As you say, the first thoughts going through the Russians heads during a time of potential war would not be "Oh, its Doctor Manhattan" or "How many other countries have been hit", it would be "Fucking Americans, launch a counterstrike!

Yeah. And, the the thing is: that could've been worked around if they'd spent a little more time showing, for example, the whole world seeing Doc withdrawing from humanity more and moreand using that withdrawal as the reason why the USA and USSR were starting to rattle their sabers a bit (time that could've been gained by, for example, cutting the Rorschach origin instead of rushing and-in my opinion-bungling it) .