Originally Posted By: Pariah
In which case, the story's conclusion was just so ridiculous. What the Watchmen decide to do in the end makes sense according to their authoritative mentalities, which was Moore's point. But to say that they'd be given the opportunity to make such a decision based on what Ozymandias did is ludicrous. I mean, seriously: It wouldn't work. The world wouldn't just say, "Let's work together to thwart this mutual evil!"

The thing is: no matter which ending you're talking about (movie or book), Moore (and, in adapting him, Snyder) took pains to all but come out and say the plan wouldn't work in the long term. That's why Jon said "nothing ever ends." That's why the last scene in the story involves yet-another stained smiley face. Hell, that's why the motif is a clock (which keeps going around and around). Moore-an anarchist at heart-was saying that, no matter what, people are people, a liberal authoritarian is no better than a conservative one, and attempts to impose order on a world will always end in death and destruction.