The funny thing is that the genius of The Watchmen is that even though it was written in the 80s you can find relevance in todays world (no matter what side of the aisle you come from). A basic idea that threads through the books and movie is the corruption of power and the abuse of that same power to do "good" in the face of crisis. Now, This is not in any way meant to be a political commentary or an attack on anyone's beliefs(I'll leave those debates for "The Debate Forum"). But all of us on the left and the right have seen things from our opponents over the last few years that we would see as such abuse. Whether it be in the "War on Terror" of the previous administration or the "War on the Financial crisis" of the current one, all of us geeks, both Liberal and Conservative can find examples in the real world that makes us shudder when we reread the Watchmen. I know what I am trying to say and I hope I wrote it in a way that is
Long story short. Grant any of us that much power and no matter how noble our intentions, we can be corrupted. Or vice-versa, sometimes what we see as corrupt is done for noble reasons.