its sad that you go through all this just because you got butt hurt over a disagrement on the interweb...
But I haven't. I've done it cause A)Who is a friend, B) I know what it's like to be jumped by you assholes, and C) it's fun.
You just ignore that cause your theory is more insulting.

It's absolutely clear to anyone reading your posts that one of the many things that pisses you off about this board is that no one here takes you seriously - and you really want us to - your behavior here belies your false claims to the contrary. It's just one of the many reasons you were never able to fit in here - and despite the denials that you will inevitabley spew, at one point you
did want to fit in.
Unfortunately, you refuse to acknowledge reality despite how obvious it is to everyone else and irrespective of how many times it has been pointed out to you by Pro and others. In fact, the very quotes you have used in you flaccid attempts to show how you were originally "abused" here only go to prove how rabid, delusional and deceitful you have been, as you were the first to be nasty and bitchy. You are either completely obtuse or just willfully ignorant, but either way you are a spineless whiner who lacked the balls to come back here on his own and who now hides behind some "defending Whomod's internet honor" bullshit when the reality is you're nothing more than a petulant child who held a 5 month grudge because you got your ass handed to you over some
internet comic book argument - one that
you turned into something personal and nasty - and then tried (and miserably failed) to "raid" us because of it. That, in a nut shell, is what this is all about, no matter what lies about "friendship" and "honor" you spin in order to justify your frothing at the mouth, gutless, and hypocritical behavior.
You are an embarrassment and a failure, Tommy - a pendejo who has become nothing more than this board's piñata.
If we were to waste an emotion on you it would be pity.
P.S. - Go fuck yourself you stupid bitch. (c) PJP