Originally Posted By: Nöwheremän
I was talking to some women at work the day it came out, just after I had been to see it, and several of them said they really wanted to see it.
I pointed out that it wasnt actually a superhero film, and explained how bloody it was in places, without spoiling things.

One said that she knew it wasnt a superhero film (which she probably didnt, but she never likes it when I tell her she might be wrong about something), and the others all said "Not so sure I want to see it now!".

The trailers really do sell it as another hero flick, which is typical of movie advertising anyway, to sell a film that you think might not be that big, as something else.
We all get caught out with this from time to time, expecting something to be a laugh a minute comedy, when it isnt (Little miss sunshine and Burn after reading spring to mind here), so its no wonder so many people have a different notion of what Watchmen is all about!

My fiancee who doesn't really like superhero films, actuallty liked Watchmen.