Saw it. It was good.

A couple problems though:

* I miss the riot scene. Obviously it wouldn't fit in the movie, but I just miss it.

* The Comedian's philosophy wasn't covered as well as it should have been. Just having him say, "It's all a big joke," doesn't cut it. Mason's excerpt from Under the Hood about his uncle's cheating wife should have been briefly included to help complement The Comedian's point. I never really figured out whether or not it was meant to do so, but it always did on some level anyway.

* While it was still ridiculous to assume that the world would band together after what happened, I have to admit that using Dr. Manhattan to pull off the hoax was definitely more believable since the world already knew him and feared him to begin with.

* The changes to the ending created a terrible disparity between the movie and the point of the book. Nite Owl and Silk Specter's noticeable reluctance to go along with Veidt's plan in the end was the most tangential element in the film. In the book, they eventually felt that Veidt did the right thing, thus best expressing the irony behind their motives as heroes since their complicity with Veidt and Dr. Manhattan was inherently authoritative. With the movie demonstrating them as being almost as stalwart as Rorschach, the point in regards to their costume-based above-the-law mentalities is lost--or at least not as pronounced.

I agree with you guys that the interrogation scene felt tacked on, but hell, I still enjoyed it.

They handled the rape scene pretty well too. I loved the surprised look on her face when Hooded Justice just walked into the room. Of course, without the Under the Hood excerpt about the erotic undertones of costumes it wasn't contextualized very well, but...Hell, you could tell she wanted it.

Also, I am extremely glad they didn't skip out on Rorschach's revenge at the very end. I was afraid they were gonna let that part go, but luckily they kept it.