I'd have to agree, that Swan's inkers in the mid-70's forward often left much to be desired (the best were George Klein and Murphy Anderson. And on a few occasions Adams, and even Wrightson, inking Swan's covers!)

Somehow Garcia-Lopez, despite his technical skill, never did much for me. I liked him best as penciller/inker of JONAH HEX(issues 1-5), and other titles of the late 70s/early 80s era.
Garcia-Lopez also did some nice covers on the Batman titles, particularly the three-issue UNTOLD LEGEND OF THE BATMAN, with interior work by Byrne and Aparo.

Since this is a Grell topic, I'm including another cover gallery, focused on Grell's era of SUPERBOY, issues 202-246 (1974-1978).

(issues 201-230)

http://www.comics.org/covers.lasso?SeriesID=2385 (issues 231-258)

According to Overstreet, the grell covers are on issues 207-237, 239-240, 243, and 246
(Grell did interior stories in 202-224, and 235)
