MYTH: If I treat a woman well and listen to what she
says, she'll stop complaining

TRUTH: Women never stop complaining. For them, it's
a sport. Some complain more than others, but none
ofthem will ever stop, any more than one day men
will stop discussing football. Men have built
civilizations, created law, invented husbandry
(that's keeping domestic animals by the way, not
marriage; women invented marriage), built
skyscrapers, invented cars, washing machines,
antibiotics, toilets, computers, and microwave
ovens, and generally dragged us out of caves and
into condos. Don't kid yourself: men did it all.
If it were up to women we'd still be living in
caves and dying at 20. I know that men did it all
because I know why they did it: they hoped that
it would stop women complaining. It didn't.